Never Underestimate What God Plans for Your Kids

July 19, 2014 Off By Donna Wuerch

I’m back in Texas, and had the opportunity to visit with my husband’s best bud and cousin, Wes Wuerch and his precious wife, Letha Wuerch, Pastors here in Texas. I loved talking about the “good ole’ days” and remembering the times when these two guys played their trumpets in church and sang together. They both went on to be ministers and pastors and they served God and His people in such beautiful ways. And now seeing the fruit of their labors by the many people whose lives were radically changed, and, they too, are being used by God in amazing ways today. Seed time and harvest.

Who knew those two little mischievous boys would have such an impact on this world? Their mamas…. and God. I’m telling you mamas and papas, today, “Never underestimate what God will do with your kids. He has great plans for them.” These two guys are proof that He just needs the seed. He’s the Master Gardener and he turns seeds into a mighty harvests.” Now it’s time for us to cultivate the soil, plant the seed and let God give the mighty increase!