Tag: law of reciprocity

Love is Giving AND Receiving

I hit the ground running – rather, driving to Tulsa on Friday for my Tulsa love fix – spending time with my dear mother-in-law, some of my friends from Hyde Park, my bestie – Sheila Michie, my godson and his family,and other precious friends from my home parish, Church OfThe Madalene, my Life Group sisters…

By Donna Wuerch February 27, 2017 Off

What is your life echoing today?

I was in a store and I heard a small child speakable such unthinkable language. I could hardly believe my ears. Yet the parent seemed oblivious to the words. That parent or environment that the child lived in — sent out the words, and the child echoed those words back. In another situation, I witnessed…

By Donna Wuerch November 6, 2016 Off

Blessed to be a Blessing

Thanksgiving Week is here and I’m so thankful! My family are on their way to me! I’m ready for them! I’ve got the Treasure Hunt ready to go for my big 8-year birthday boy. Most of my baking and cooking is done, and all that goes with 11 of us in my not-so-big house. Only…

By Donna Wuerch November 24, 2014 Off