You Deserve to be Happy
That was the email “subject” from Ulta. It jumped out at me. That word, “deserve”, says it all. We live in a self-gratification, self-centered, self-entitlement, and selfie world. I get it! We all want to be happy. Isn’t that what most think life should be all about? We are hardwired to pursue happiness, so we…
Pull Up to the Table
Being “hungry” can mean a lot of things — like, it’s time to stop and have lunch. Or, it can mean after reading an inspiring story or devotion book that includes a kick-in-the-you-know-what kind of wake-up-call full of scriptures that we know we need to get more serious about the “Lamp to our feet” and…
The Inspiration of a Baked Potato
All it takes is for me to make myself a baked potato with all the fixin’s, including cottage cheese on top instead of sour cream (YUM) to open the memory bank of playing that old game “Hot Potato”! Of course, I’m going to parallel that game with another real-life scenario for casting our cares off…