Month: January 2018

Audacious Living, With Audacious Faith

Big Audacious Living With Audacious Faith AUDACIOUS — showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks; daring, fearless, brave, courageous, valiant, venturesome Brilliant author and speaker, Erwin McManus, was speaking on TV a few days ago. I was immensely inspired. Less than a year ago, he was dying from cancer, and now he is cancer-free…

By Donna Wuerch January 31, 2018 Off

That RADIANCE – That Glow!

That RADIANCE – That Glow! A dear saint, my Mama, used to say to me when I felt less than pretty or RADIANT — “Pretty is as pretty does!” Honestly that annoyed me because I could only see a freckled (often with pimples) face, brown dish-water colored hair, the skinniest, flat chested teenager in ALL…

By Donna Wuerch January 30, 2018 Off


Yesterday morning at church, a man from my neighborhood and I visited a few minutes and our conversation led to his two sons who have made serving in the Air Force a career. One was just promoted to Colonel. He quickly pulled up a photo of his sons and two of his grandsons, who all…

By Donna Wuerch January 29, 2018 Off

Where Do You Get Your Daily NOURISHMENT From?

My word for today is NOURISHMENT — the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition; sustenance, nutrition, provision Yesterday, my granddaughter, Alexia Wallace, came over to help with racking my leaves. I picked up a Chick Fil A breakfast for us (Alexia’s main hang-out – it’s her place of work and…

By Donna Wuerch January 28, 2018 Off

Subject to CHANGE Daily

I’m pulling my “female” card. Yes, I am a woman and I am subject to CHANGE daily. I can CHANGE my mind about this or that. I can CHANGE clothes – just because I want to. I can CHANGE occupations (and I did). I’m also a “single” so I can CHANGE TV channels whenever I…

By Donna Wuerch January 26, 2018 Off

Are You a NO Respecter?

As I sat down for my morning devotions yesterday, I read these words of St. Peter from Acts 10:34 “I perceive that God is NO RESPECTER of persons”. RESPECTER: a person whose attitude and behavior is influenced by consideration of another’s rank, power, ethnicity, religion, culture, social class, wealth, etc. A “No RESPECTER” is someone…

By Donna Wuerch January 25, 2018 Off

Renewed: From the Inside Out

My word for today is RENEWED: to make like new, restore to freshness, to make new spiritually, regenerated, revive, rebuild I’m sure noticing many advertisements and labels that shout out “Renew your youth! Reduce those lines and wrinkles! Guaranteed success or your money back! Become a new you!” I’ll admit, I’ve yielded to their promises…

By Donna Wuerch January 24, 2018 Off

Mind Your Posture

My word for today is “posture”: the position isomeone holds their body when standing or sitting; an approach or attitude, point of view, frame of mind. My Mom was always on the lookout for me to have good posture. She’d be standing behind me and would take her hands and pull back my shoulders. After…

By Donna Wuerch January 23, 2018 Off