Bring the Inside Out
Everywhere I turn, I see more and more advertisements about renewing our youth. “Reduce those lines and wrinkles! Become a new you! Guaranteed success or your money back! I’ve yielded to their promises and purchased some of those products. In fact, my cosmetic shelves look like a Walgreen’s. I’d like to tell you that, as…
Write the Vision and Make It Plain
When my daughter was single, she wrote out a list — a BIG list — of everything she hoped for in a future husband. Not five, not ten, but 100 qualities she was praying for. Talk about being specific! Then came Larry. At first glance, he checked off 95 out of 100. But as time…
Broken Egg? Consider it Joy!
Yesterday morning, I was simply making breakfast. Innocent enough, right? Carl and I were discussing the crazy price of eggs these days. Six dollars for a dozen? When just a couple of years ago, we could buy them for pocket change? As I turned to put the carton back in the fridge, I heard…
No More Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda
You know those three little words: “I should have,” “I would have,” “I could have” — followed by a list of excuses longer than a CVS receipt. Well, I’ve decided I’m done with them. No more standing at the crossroads of hesitation. No more tiptoeing around opportunities. It’s time to trade in the “shoulds” for…
❤️ Love is in the Air — So Let’s Breathe It In! ❤️
❤️❤️❤️ Love is in the Air — So Let’s Breathe It In! ❤️❤️❤️ Ah, February — when store shelves explode with pink and red, the floral businesses boom, and the airwaves are drenched in love songs. And speaking of love songs, my heart can’t help but do a little two-step when I hear Tom Jones…
February: A Month of Love and a Call to Prayer
February is often called the month of love. Hearts, flowers, and sweet sentiments fill the air, reminding us to cherish those we hold dear. But love is more than roses and chocolates. It is presence, it is care, it is walking with one another through both joy and sorrow. We all were jolted when tragedy…
If We Don’t Praise — the Rocks Will
I saw this “rock-band” cartoon and I knew a blog was on its way. Humorous but the truth is these are just rocks, stones and pebbles. No life exists in them, yet they sit amidst the vibrant rhythm of creation. Around them, water dances, fish jump for joy, and birds chirp. As I look at…
Boasting about Weakness
Here I go, stepping out from under my “mighty woman of God” rock. Confession: I have weaknesses. Wait, what? Who wants to hear that? Bear with me. I promise there’s a point. Let me remind you, the Apostle Paul himself bragged about his weaknesses. He wrote, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power…
We Have Everything We Need
Max Lucado (my favorite author) hit the nail on the head when he said, “You have a God who hears you, the power of love behind you, the Holy Spirit within you, and all of heaven ahead of you…” Now, if that doesn’t make us want to shout a hallelujah, I don’t know what will!…
Hair and a Prayer
Oh, the lifelong journey I have had with my hair! It’s been a roller coaster of triumphs and mishaps! I’ve been friends AND foes with my hair since an early age. What about those perms??? I can still smell the chemical concoction from a home perm my mom gave me. She read the instructions like…