Month: January 2021

Pretty is as Pretty Does

A dear saint, my mama, used to say to me when I felt less than pretty or radiant “Pretty is as pretty does!” Honestly, that annoyed me because I could only see a freckled face, brown dish-water colored hair, the skinniest, flat chested teenager in all the world. All my friends seemed to have come…

By Donna Wuerch January 31, 2021 Off

I Am Who God Says I Am

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!” That is so NOT true, because words do hurt. Like me, maybe you remember those words as a child and your parents taught you that phrase so you could cope with your classmates teasing you. Ugly words today cause young people to…

By Donna Wuerch January 28, 2021 Off

Leadership May Change But God Doesn’t

In my “memories” FB feed, I saw the congenial photo of the “smooth” transition of power from President Obama and First Lady Michelle to President Trump and First Lady Melania in 2016. It was too bad the circumstances of the current transition wasn’t as equally smooth and cordial. Things “changed” from the routine of previous…

By Donna Wuerch January 27, 2021 Off

Don’t be a Slouch

These days, with all that’s going on in our personal lives or a family member’s life or in our world, it’s enough to make us feel like we’re carrying the weight of it all on our shoulders. And all that weight causes us to slouch. My mama wouldn’t let me be a “slouch”. I hear…

By Donna Wuerch January 26, 2021 Off