2022 is a Good Year for Getting Engaged
I love the look of love in someone’s eyes who is expecting a marriage proposal any minute. I heard someone say “2022 is my year for getting engaged!” And I thought “So am I”. Of course, hers meant a forthcoming proposal of marriage. Mine is about being engaged by honoring and respecting the people in my life — looking into their eyes when they speak to me — giving them my undivided attention.
My goal is to be so engaged that I recognize someone who could use an encouraging word or simply just spending time with them on purpose. Have you ever “engaged” someone in conversation, only to see them looking away or looking at their watch or phone? How did it make you feel? On the other hand, was it you that someone was speaking to, and you didn’t seem to care about what they were saying by your body language?
I’m not saying we must engage in super long conversations with every person we run into. But I am challenging us to engage in caring and sharing God’s gift of love and kindness. Looking them in their eyes, congratulating them on a win or a good grade or a promotion or an anniversary or expressing comfort to them when they are discouraged. Ask a couple of questions, dig deeper than saying “Hello! How are you?” and then walking away.
While I want to do better in being engaged and in the moment this year with others, I want to be “engaged” — less distracted as I give my full attention to God when He and I are having conversations. Honestly, I must turn off notifications on my phone AND put it in another room to keep me from checking the weather, my calendar, my text messages, etc. God is so patient with me but instead of testing His patience, I’m purposing to honor and respect my time with Him.
I want to listen for God’s voice and cultivate my relationship with Him as though I were engaged to marry someone. When my sweetheart and I were engaged, we spent countless hours on the phone. We couldn’t get enough of “talking and sharing” with each other. He was ALWAYS on my mind. My focus was on him — morning, noon, and night. I was ENGAGED and I acted like it in my thoughts and daily interactions with him.
Remember when Peter had the courage to get out of the boat and walk on the water to Jesus? If he had stayed “engaged” with His eyes on Jesus instead of the raging storm, he would have walked right on to Jesus instead of nearly drowning. I want to be ENGAGED in my walk with God — seeing Him everywhere I turn, keeping my eyes on Him, and listening for His voice. When I do that, I will see God, hear Him, and know the paths He has chosen for me.
Let’s get ENGAGED with God this year like an engaged couple – with full-on attention to each other. Lord, I’m keeping my eyes on You. I won’t look to the left or right. My only goal is keeping You in my sight.
“Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end.” Hebrews 12:2