A Good Father is Good — Happy Father’s Day
My blog today is dedicated to all the wonderful fathers, father figures, and male mentors who have touched the lives of your own kids, others’ kids, your family, and others you’ve guided and coached. We appreciate you!
Father’s Day brings precious memories and so much gratitude — for my own sweet daddy who I only knew for 15 years and my precious husband, who I knew for 49 years on this side of heaven. They are celebrating this Father’s Day with “Our Father Who Art in Heaven”! Okay – they’ve certainly one-upped us on a grand celebration with the second-to-none Father. BTW, this center photo is one of the last full-family photos we had with my children’s father, my beloved husband. A special “Happy Father’s Day” to my two incredible sons: Ryan Wuerch & Larry Wallace, amazing fathers who lead their families by God’s example to them. Thanks, and well-done, guys, for blessing me with my seven beautiful grandchildren and thank you for all the men, women, boys and girls you coach and mentor!
Dads, in my opinion, you are the most powerful force in the lives of your children. Thank you for not being passive. Thank you for understanding and taking responsibility for your power. Thank you for being living examples of our Heavenly Father’s love. Thank you for having real-life conversations with your boys and having date nights with your girls. Thank you for showing them and others what respect, honor, and integrity look like.
Maybe today, you don’t even know your earthly father, or if you do, he may not have been very present in your life. Maybe, like me, your dad was with you for just a short period of time. Like mine, your dad wasn’t there to walk you down the aisle on your wedding day. Maybe your dad is still here, and your relationship is and always has been strained.
I love the popular song “Good, Good Father”. Here’s why I think it’s so popular and resonates with so many of us. Maybe we had a very good representation of our Heavenly Father by the father we had on this earth. Or maybe we had no representation of our Heavenly Father by any of the men in our lives. Whatever the case may be, we desire a good, good Father and we have one in our Heavenly Father.
We have a Heavenly Father Who loves us so much and wants us in His family. When we invite His Son into our lives, we get God’s DNA. It cannot be denied. We have a Father who is gracious, open and wants to know us. When we reach out, He welcomes us into His presence. He even has conversations with us through his Word and even in intimate times with Him. So, on this Father’s Day, no matter who your earthly father may be, I pray that you come to know your Heavenly Father. I pray you understand how much He wants to have a close and ongoing relationship with you? I pray that you will have a greater realization of your “heavenly” DNA. God ahead. Knock on His door. I know He will invite you in for a Father’s Day celebration like none other.