A Mighty Fortress is our God
I received this little bookmark (added to this photo) in the mail. I sensed God was saying those words to us: “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my FORTRESS, my God, in Him I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2. Often, our physical AND spiritual eyes just can’t see it.
I am certain that the key to our peace of mind and joy of spirit is making sure we’re staying in God’s refuge and fortress. I turned the bookmark over and it read: “God is My Refuge – In difficult times, you won’t understand everything God is doing. Trust He is in control, and stay close to Him in prayer and praise. He will carry you through.”
Need I say more? No, I don’t, but I’m sure you know I can’t help myself. I’ve got to put the jelly on the peanut butter! If ever we needed places of refuge, it is in these times. I just heard that a pastor and his wife of a mega-church in Frisco has the Covid. My prayers go out to them for divine healing and restoration. I know God will carry them through. This Covid is no respecter of persons. But, no matter what — we go to our fortress.

My friend posted this photo of her two grandsons, who, for the first time ever in their lives, have their own bedrooms in the beautiful and comfortable home she has for them now. That is a miracle story I’ll save for another day. What blessed me so much was they didn’t stay in their individual bedrooms that first night. They have a fort – a fortress to sleep together under Josiah’s bed. It was a “comfort” place. They’ve been together so long – of course, they couldn’t separate just yet.
And, isn’t that what we need – a place of absolute certainty that everything’s gonna’ be alright in that place of safety and refuge. I remember Robert Schuller’s book entitled “Tough times don’t last – but tough people do!” I’ve known some tough people that weathered some of the greatest storms of life and they did so because of their Anchor, their Rock, their Refuge Who was their Mighty Fortress.
Maybe you’re feeling a little shaky today — in your faith and in your emotions that are getting the best of you, and in truly believing that you will survive these storms that have prevailed for months now. In spite of the worst possible scenarios, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble”. Through it all – the torrential downpours to the most solid and stable, our God remains steadfast and faithful. There is no earthquake, tornado or hurricane, whether natural, moral, physical, financial, or spiritual, that can shake us out of his loving arms!