A Strategy that Works – Big Time!
Do you ever have those sucker-punches that steal the joy right out of you? I do. I’ll admit it! Whether it be just plain old aggravation or some careless thing I did (like putting my keys somewhere that I still can’t find them). Or it is simply dissatisfaction about THIS, THAT or the OTHER.
I’m guilty. I was offended when an online merchant deceived me. When will this Texas heat let up? My patio has lots of yard clippings on it – why don’t those lawn people check their work? I just received a Tax Commission notice that said a page was missing from my returns. WHAT? My accountant didn’t send me a 3rd page. And how can people steal at our family center that gives to so many in need? I deserve to feel all these dissatisfied emotions — or do I?
Seriously, I can go there – to a place of stinkin’ thinkin’ that plummets me to grumpydom, but I would rather reverse my stinky attitude with a strategy that helps me in overcoming the things that seem to be stacked against me.
It is a total game-changer. From firsthand experience, I’ve witnessed a radical change in my mindset and attitude. It is simply remembering to put on my armor, and particularly the Belt of Truth. The first piece of armor that Paul wrote about in Ephesians 6, is the Belt of Truth. Ephesians 6:14 says: “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist.”
The belt is where Roman soldiers stored their weapons. So, why does Paul associate the belt of a soldier with truth? Because God’s Word is TRUTH and those truths are what we use to win every battle – like those yucky thoughts that creep into our minds out of nowhere and steal our joy at the drop of a hat.
But those crummy thoughts and attitudes brought on by the enemy and even my own weaknesses, can be rendered null and void when we activate the super-powers of God’s Word.
When we tighten the Belt of Truth and declare what God says about us — the weaknesses go, and we win! We win by “standing strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!” (Ephesians 6:10)
Honestly, we already have the victory! We are not fighting for victory. We are fighting from victory. And that victory is found in TRUTH and declaring those TRUTHS over us, our situations, and even other people. We trust God to do what He says He will do.
If I know one thing about my great God, I know He keeps His Word. Now, let’s pull out some of those “truth” weapons from our “belt of truth”:
“Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4
“We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Romans 8:37
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
“No weapon formed against me shall prosper.” Isaiah 54:17
“The Lord is my Shepherd. I have everything I need.” Psalm 23:1
I’ve seen the power of the Word in my own life and have seen chains broken, miracles happen and have been set free from darkness! I KNOW that the most powerful weapon we have is the Word of God! Use those verses! Whenever the struggle becomes real, RUN to those verses, declare them, pray them, and praise God through them.
Watch what God does. He’s going to show up, and He’s going to show up big time. Guaranteed.