![A Woman for all Seasons](https://i0.wp.com/mypeacezone.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Mary-Kissing-Jesus-e1608218666508.jpg?resize=650%2C340&ssl=1)
A Woman for all Seasons
Robert Whittington applied the description, “Man for all Seasons” to the English statesman and scholar Sir Thomas More ( 1478–1535). I knew that “Man for all Seasons” line and thought about it as I was inspired by Mary, the Mother of our Lord, as “A Woman for all Seasons”. I’m thankful for the internet that gives those of us with inquiring minds the answers to our questions!
God needed a vessel — one He favored above ALL women to be the Mother of Jesus. He chose Mary to be the First Lady of our faith. She was found faithful. And what faith she had! She was the first to believe in Jesus as her Savior and Lord while she still carried Him in her womb.
This photo is one of my Christmas favorites. It brings Mary right to where we are. It helps us to know she was one of us. She was a woman with real emotions, real challenges, and real love for her baby boy. “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19) I sure need to be a treasurer and ponderer more like her — rather than one who speaks before I think. Certainly scripture portrays her as one who lived in a state of calm and peace — especialy in some worst of times.
Mary treasured the events of Jesus’ birth. She thought deeply about all that took place — the angel appearing to her and Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men. Can you imagine the bedtime stories she told her boy? She would need to remember all that God had done, to trust God’s plan for His life and to truly believe that her boy would change the world.
My all-time favorite Christmas song is Mark Lowery’s “Mary Did You Know?” No doubt, Mark has become wealthy from the royalties of the many singers who have recorded his song. He had no idea of the anointing of the Holy Spirit who was on him for that moment in time. The song portrays Mary, unlike the lovely woman in paintings and statutes in blue and white clothing, radiant face, and a halo affixed perfectly above her head. Mark portrays her as one of us. And, like us, she held her baby boy, she cared for him, she thought about his future — just as we do with our children. I relate to her.
What do you think? Did Mary know that her baby was her Creator, that He would walk on water, that He would heal the blind man, that He would raise the dead? Did she know that when she kissed her little baby boy that she was kissing the face of God? We’ll ask her that question one day, but one thing’s for sure, she was the vessel God chose to bear His Son. I believe she was chosen because He knew she would be the role model, the caregiver, the teacher/trainer, the spiritual director, and the guardian that caused her son to “grow in wisdom and stature with God and man” (Luke 2:52). I believe she recognized that her boy’s talents would “take Him places” and that He would do great and mighty things, because she was “tight with God” and she held His promises close to her heart.
Indeed, Mary, was and is a “Woman for all Seasons” because her example of faith and trust in God should be ours, too! The question for us is “Do we believe as Mary did?” What God’s Word says about Jesus is true. And her example is one we should follow in raising our children and grandchildren to “grow in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man”.
I love Voctave’s amazing acappella version of “Mary Did You Know?” that features the original songwriter, Mark Lowery. The smile on Mark’s face and his singing for the Lord makes me think he is finally hearing his song performed as it was imagined in his head when he composed it. I share it as a gift for you to realize that Mary’s faith and reality is our faith and reality, too. “This little child that Mary delivered, delivered her and us!”