An Epiphany of WHO He is and WHAT We Do About It
You know that aha moment – when you suddenly understand the reality of something or the meaning of something. I’ve had many “epiphany” moments when I could see something clearly when I understood “that” or when I was reading a Bible passage I had read many times before, but this time, I really understood it.
Let’s turn back time to the arrival of the Three Kings aka Magi aka Wise Men to the home of the Holy Family. This is Epiphany 101 — the revelation, the “epiphany” that the little baby boy Who they were coming to worship is the Messiah, the Son of God. Were they “star” struck? Was there a glow around the baby? Were there angels singing and a little drummer boy playing and was Mary kneeling before Him in wonder? Was Joseph standing there hanging onto His shepherd’s staff and gawking at his boy? Were the animals lying down in a panoramic view of the holy scene?
It’s all debatable because theologians differ on whether it was at the manger or two years later at the Holy Family’s home but one thing is for certain — those men had studied the prophecies of the coming Messiah, saw the star and were determined, by faith, to go and worship Him.
Today, January 3rd is Epiphany Sunday. Epiphany is a word which means “manifestation.” Today, we celebrate how God manifested His glory to the Magi. First, they saw the star and chose to follow it all the way to Jesus. Second, when they found Jesus, besides offering “baby shower gifts” of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, they humbled themselves, knelt and worshipped Him. And third, the result of their offering and worship was they went home changed. Talk about getting a “return” on an investment! And, talk about a pattern we should follow: bring Jesus the gift of ourselves, worship Him and be changed.
This is how the “flow chart” of our lives should look. Every day we should be choosing to follow THE Star — following Jesus. That’s the choice we make daily — in our workplaces, homes, schools, and communities — honoring and worshipping our King, our Messiah, the Great I Am. The Magi saw more than a star. They saw God incarnate – divine God and man and when we seek Him, find Him. It begs us to fall on our knees to worship Him in honor of Who He is and what He has done for us.
The Wise Men were changed forever. They never went back to King Herod and his ungodly ways. “Normal” was no longer an option. They had an EPIPHANY. They had seen the glory of God manifested in that little boy — God wrapped in human flesh.
I love this quote: “Wise men (and women) still seek Him.” It is an EPIPHANY when one soul seeks Him and finds Him. And when we find Him, we find more than we ever imagined. For in Jesus Christ, we find forgiveness, inward peace, and joy today, and the promises of life eternal tomorrow. How can we go back to our old ways and inconsistencies once we’ve had an EPIPHANY of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in our lives?