Annivesary Blessings & Month-a-Versary Blessings
Today, July 8th, 2023, I am remembering a life, a life journey, a love, the adventures of love, the children and grandchildren that came from those adventures AND, the ability to carry on living life to the fullest.
Fifty-seven (57) years ago today, I married my best friend, my Ron. Since he graduated to heaven in 2010, I have blogged about us and the 49 years (since ages 12 and 13), we had together. I blogged about the lovely AND the unlovely times. I became “seasoned” in each season of stormy weather OR sun-shiny weather.
As a result of that “seasoning”, I became a confident woman who lives in resilience and determination to finish my life strong. I’m still here on assignment, so I’m not finished living my best life!
I was blessed to have had that sweet man in my life for so many years. He brought out the best in me. As I type this blog, I realize that I am this confident and strong woman with the desire to make a difference in the lives of others because of that man.
I miss him, but I am overwhelmed with joy that I could carry on. I was never a “lost soul” without him. I was “seasoned”! Of all the beautiful things Ron gave me, I know that the peace, joy, and happiness I am experiencing today is because of the impact he had on my life. He was a campaigner for looking for good in every circumstance, for being grateful for everything, and to be determined to finish this race strong. If you know my children, you’ll know they inherited the best of him, too!
Our love story didn’t write the way I penned it. I penned one man, one love, and one life. On November 16, 2010, my novel of love, marriage and adventure ended. But….a man came 13 years after. He stepped into my novel slowly and gently. He isn’t Ron and for that I’m thankful. He is his own amazing self, and we are creating our own fantastic story.
I introduced Carl last month. He is a dear, caring, supportive, Jesus-loving, and me-loving, man. We are celebrating our 8-month-a-versary today. We have celebrated month-a-versaries every month since we “officially” designated November 8th – Election Day, 2022 as our “first” I-like-you-day! I choose to believe that God and my Ron commiserated to make this happen!
It can’t be easy to be the man that came after. But I believe God planned this season for both of us. He makes me laugh more than I have ever laughed before. He sends me a warm text each day to tell me how well I did in that morning’s blog. He prays with me. He compliments me and that’s a big deal for a gal my age! Sigh!
Carl isn’t in my life because Ron died. He is in my life because I believe God loves me too much to not allow me to realize, as King Solomon said, “Two are better than one.”
I could have left off this part of my story and what this NEW season means to me, but just couldn’t. I have thoroughly enjoyed my widowhood. I made big moves along the way that eventually led me to Austin.
July 8th will always be a special day for me. I wrote this blog to help others realize that we are all precious to God. He assures us that He has a meaningful and purposeful plan for each of our lives. I take Jeremiah 29:11 to heart and I hope you will too, “Oh the plans I have for you; plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future!”