Are We Ready to Get This Baby Delivered?
Yesterday’s news of our POTUS and FLOTUS testing positive for the coronavirus put me into labor – laboring for this baby (eight months in now) to be delivered. I prayed throughout the day for a miracle birth. During these months, I have mourned with those who have mourned the passing of a loved one and rejoiced with those who have given birth and are celebrating brand new life in their homes. I understand the painful process of seeing a life go home and the joyful process of giving birth.
With both of my children, since both babies were in position to make their debut any time, my doctor recommended that we induce labor. That Pitocin-induced labor with its characteristic intense and abrupt contractions of the uterus, felt like it would go on forever. But, when my sweet baby son, and two and half years later, my precious baby girl, were placed in my arms, all the pain I experienced for those nine months of nausea, swollen feet, indigestion, a twitching eye, and overall discomfort faded from my memory. As I peered into their angel eyes and inhaled their heavenly scent, I knew overwhelming joy. It was worth it all!
Go with me to my “birthing” thoughts about this confinement and discomfort we’ve experienced for the last eight months. Let’s think about God’s thoughts for His children as He sees his kids pressing through difficult times like these. The announcement about our President and First Lady seemed to insert one more kink into our already overloaded concerns. I envisioned God like Santa Claus sitting on His royal throne belly-laughing at His kids coming to Him for our wishes. But then I imagined Him with His finger to His mouth “shushing” us – telling us “Christmas is almost here. Hold on my children – joy comes in the morning! I’ve got this!” He loves us so much. I believe He gazes into our souls that have been refined in these fires (literally and spiritually). We ask: “Really, God? Has all this pain been worth it?” I’m sure He replies: “Yes. I have a plan!” Pain is here for a time, but joy comes in the morning.
Labor. Laboring. I saw that word in another context yesterday. When I was pregnant with my firstborn, I “labored” in the workplace as a receptionist. I was useful and carried on “laboring” until one week before I gave birth. What if we turned laboring through the adversities we’ve experienced into a useful labor of prayer for our Country, our president and all those in office, as well as for those families so adversely affected. What if we lived closer to God and “labored” for His higher purposes? What if prayer “labor” replaced the complaints and concerns we’ve carried?
I believe this year has been a “warning shot” to God’s people. We are His children, tasked with the important call to “birth” disciples in this world. If that were the only thing God had asked of us during this season, would we hear Him say “Well done, good and faithful servants”? It isn’t the only thing, but just maybe our highest calling is prayer and giving “birth” to new life to those who need a Savior. Maybe this “baby” we’ve been carrying for months now, is about to be born. Perhaps this confinement, realignment, and assignment has been more about refinement (purification) and we’re almost ready to birth this baby. I’m ready. How about you?
“Therefore, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your LABOR is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58