Are We So Spoiled Because We’re So Blessed?
I am here for my volunteer work at Children’s Hospital and it starts out slow this morning. The radiology techs give me a sweet card of thanks and a great set of earbuds. I am blessed. I have time to read my scriptures for today and then have an “aha” moment.
In Acts 3:26, Peter was speaking about when God said to Abraham, “In your offspring, all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” I begin to think “What did “blessing for his offspring” really mean to Abraham back then?” New and more well-crafted tents; stronger, faster and more trustworthy camels; more tolerable winds in the sandy deserts; wives that are more sensitive the needs of their husbands; obedient children; fruitful crops and clean water?
As I type this post in this bright, fluorescent LIGHTS reception area, using WIFI on my COMPUTER, at this state-of-the-art HOSPITAL, responding to text messages on my CELL PHONE, sitting at a clean and sterilized DESK, in a ergonomic CHAIR that I can move up because the last volunteer was a shorty, take patients back to RADIOLOGY where their fractures and broken limbs are X-RAYED. I’m drinking coffee poured from my Keurig COFFEEMAKER in my YETI MUG guaranteed for 12 hours hot or cold liquid. I’m hearing the sounds of the HD resolution TELEVISION in the waiting room. There’s a HAND SANITIZER machine near me. And, the restroom, complete with indoor, self-flushing TOILETS is just down the hall. I am smelling the mouth-watering popcorn that is popped from a huge ELECTRIC popcorn machine that, by the way, I must always take some with me as I’m leaving for home in my CAR!

Did I make my point? We are BLESSED! We take so much for granted because we missed out on having to deal with life without our modern conveniences. We are so privileged that we are spoiled. We don’t know real hardship. We aren’t being persecuted and we aren’t living in a poor country. We don’t know what it’s like to live in a country where we can’t drive to the grocery store to pick up ingredients for dinner. We don’t know what it’s like to live through the bombings in Syria. Our country isn’t in shambles!
Bottom line, my dear friends, we need to stop being so melodramatic over all the “the stuff” going on in our lives. We need to take a deep breath and express how thankful we are for the century we are living in and that God, in all His sovereignty, deemed us to be here NOW!
Back to Abraham and the blessings that God was pouring out on him. The actual definition of the word “blessed” is “made holy; consecrated; endowed with divine favor and protection. I find it encouraging that the primary definition of blessing is not wealth or comfort, but rather “being made holy”. I think that’s what Abraham and we — have in common. In the midst of all our conveniences and privileges, may we become people of holiness as we make Dad proud of how we live out our faith in gratitude and in praise to Him. Yes, we are privileged HOLY people.