Bah Humbug or Good Tidings of Comfort and Joy
“Bah Humbug” is an expression Ebenezer Scrooge said to show disgust about the Christmas season. Maybe it’s an expression that you may not say out loud, but you’re still feeling it. With all the Christmas songs of comfort, joy and peace, I would be remiss to think that we are all in a perky, celebratory mood. I know there are many who can hardly wait for this season and this 2020 year to be over. “Bah humbug” may be putting it mildly for them.
I get that. I know those feelings well. While Christmas is full of joy and celebration, it can still be very somber and painful for many. I know those feelings. On this day, December 17th, my dad passed away. I was 15. I remember my mother’s tears as she unwrapped his presents from under the tree. Bah humbug. I know what it is for my Sweetheart to graduate to heaven on November 16th and have the first Christmas without him in over 44 years. Bah humbug. Christmas would never be the same again for the grandkids because Papa wouldn’t be here to read his hilarious version of “A Christmas Story”. They adored when he changed his accents for the characters and the animals. Bah humbug. And, through this time of the pandemic, I have friends whose loved one passed away, others who are facing a debilitating illness and others who are experiencing tremendous financial stress. Bah Humbug. How can we have yuletide cheer when we are hurting so much?
Christmas may not be a holly jolly time of the year for everyone, but, who really wants to be an Ebenezer Scrooge at any time of the year — especially at Christmas? We can choose sadness or joy, worry or peace, fear or courage. Remember the angel’s words to the shepherds on that first Christmas night….”Do not be afraid. I bring you good news and great joy!” There is good news. There is great joy. That news is for ALL people — you and me — no matter what we may be facing.
Whether we have family surrounding us, or we are one of our beloved service men and women who are away from their family this Christmas. Whether we live in a palace or a small one room apartment, we can experience that good news and great joy. What matters most is that we remember what matters most. The Christmas story makes our own stories make sense. It offers us comfort and joy. That is the message that all of Scripture offers.
Instead of “Bah humbug” may we choose the comfort and joy that Christ came here to give us. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10
Whatever circumstances you’re facing this year, picture the God of the universe handing you His Son, wrapped in swaddling clothes. Hear Him say, “Don’t be afraid of anything — ever. This Gift is the Prince of Peace Who gives you peace that passes all understanding. This Gift is the Living Water Who will give you water that you’ll drink and never thirst again. This Gift offers you His comfort and joy. This Gift gives you a future and a hope. I give You my finest. Will you give me your YOU and your trust in return?