Barring a Miracle
I’ve been wanting to share this sweet story for some time, but now seems the perfect time. I want this to be a hope-builder for my friends who are praying and believing for miracles in their lives. The phrase “Nothing is impossible with God” isn’t just a cliché. It comes from words spoken to Mary, a young virgin, by Gabriel that, she, being a young virgin, would conceive a child by the Holy Spirit. And, throughout the ages – those words are proven true in many people’s lives, including this precious couple’s story.
When I lived in Tulsa, I served at my church with a precious young couple, Josh and Courtney. I had such an attraction to them and their dreams and desires. I was one of many who were standing with them for a miracle to conceive. They had been told that they had only a 2% chance of getting pregnant on their own. Courtney had endometriosis and a hormonal disorder and Josh had a male factor that caused infertility. They went on an extensive journey to conceive and it almost seemed hopeless…..BUT, God! During their infertility journey they never lost faith in the miracles they knew God could do, and they did conceive and in July, 2018 their precious baby girl, Palmer, was born.
Fast forward to 2020. They had wanted another child. But, once again, they had difficulties conceiving. They had no embryos left so they didn’t know if Palmer might be an only child. In Courtney’s words: “But, God! He had plans bigger than we could imagine and He surprised us with another miracle pregnancy but naturally this time! So many years ago we were told we had a 2% chance of getting pregnant on our own, but God is not an “on paper” God. He’s bigger than the statistical odds. I want to say that no matter if you are in the valley, experiencing the mountain tops, in the wait, or in the unknown, GOD IS IN THE MIDST OF IT ALL!!! His plans and timing are always better than ours could ever be.” Just last month, May, 2021, baby boy, Payne, was born.
I shared that “miracle” story to ask you if someone ever said to you “Barring a miracle, you have only six months to live; barring a miracle, you’ll have to declare bankruptcy; barring a miracle, a divorce is imminent; barring a miracle, you’ll never conceive; or, barring a miracle, you’ll never be able to do this or that”? I’ve seen sports games where the commentator said, “Barring a miracle, they’re going to lose this game!” And moments or minutes later, in a swift turn-around, they won the game. To my father-in-law, the doctors said, “Barring a miracle, you won’t live beyond six months.” He lived for another 15 years.
Knowing what I know and experiencing what I have experienced, I assure you, without a shadow of doubt…. miracles still happen. That’s why I’m optimistic enough to NEVER say “Never”, and to NEVER say “It’s impossible!” Those are words NOT in the vocabulary of those who truly take the limits off God and what He says in His Word.
Jesus said, in Mark 9:23 “All things are possible to him who believes.” Perhaps you needed this faith boost today. Maybe you’ve been given a “Barring a miracle……” report. MIRACLE is defined as a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency. And that “Divine Agency” Who doesn’t even have the word “impossible” in HIS dictionary, wants us to take it out of ours. There is nothing that He can’t do. God always has miracles up His sovereign sleeves, so let’s get our expectors up and expect our miracle TODAY!