Being Overshadowed by His Presence

Being Overshadowed by His Presence

December 3, 2020 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

The word “overshadowed” can have a negative connotation when we think of a big brother who dominates his younger siblings or a boss who prides himself in being the authoritarian and rarely joins his employees in a team effort to get the task completed. Oh, but know this. There is a place of peace and comfort when we understand being overshadowed by God. “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the SHADOW of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91:1)

A few days ago, I recommended a scripture reading plan (the 24 chapters of Luke). If we started the plan on December 1st, by Christmas Eve, we will have read all 24 chapters – an entire account of the birth, ministry, sacrifice on the cross, and resurrection of Jesus. I started the plan while being all cozy and warm in my comfy chair by the fireplace. But was the warmth from the fireplace and cozy chair or was it the intense closeness to God I felt? I thought about Gabriel’s announcement to Mary that she would conceive a child. She asked: “How can this be since I am a virgin?” And Gabriel replied “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will OVERSHADOW you.'” (Luke 1:35)

Suddenly, I desired to be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit too. Suddenly the matters of this world seemed so distant to me. Gabriel gave Mary the incredible news that she was going to give birth to the Son of God — without knowing a man. We can only imagine the doubt that must have bombarded her mind: “How can I have a baby without a man?” My “How’s” certainly pale in comparison to Mary’s “How”. When Mary answered the angel back, she didn’t say, “I don’t see how that can happen.” No, she made a statement of faith: “Be it unto me even as You have said.” In other words, “I’m in agreement. Let it happen. If God says I’m highly favored, I believe it. If God says the impossible is going to happen, I believe it.” And, that’s the way we need to roll when God puts a promise in our hearts. Instead of trying to reason it out, we simply follow Mary’s lead and say “Be it unto ME as You have said. I surrender all to you, dear Lord. I am convinced that what You say – You will do! Nothing is impossible with You!”

You may have a “how” in your life right now. You may be thinking, “HOW can I survive another month under these circumstances? HOW am I going to get well? How can I overcome this addiction?” “How can I make ends meet?” What the angel said to Mary is true for all of us today. He said, “Mary, here’s how it’s going to happen: the power of the Most High is going to come upon you and overshadow you.”

How are you going to get well? The power of the Most High is going to come upon you. How are you going to make ends meet? The Most High God, the Great I Am, the Creator of the universe is going to overshadow you. When God overshadows us, miracles happen. Supernatural opportunities come our way. Family members that were off course will suddenly turn around. Problems that looked permanent will turn out to be only temporary, and we will see miracles come to pass! Let’s get into agreement with God’s Word. Let’s get ready for God’s Spirit to OVERSHADOW us!