Being Right Isn’t Always Right
After all these years of experience, handling so many challenges, weathering the many storms of life and still here to talk about it, you’d think we should win every debate that comes our way. Case in point: My younger grandchildren have had their drivers’ licenses for just a while but now they seem to be the experts about how to drive. It’s hilarious. I don’t want to debate them. I listen and smile.
Last week, my son and I drove to San Antonio for my grandson’s baseball game. Ryan had several Zoom business calls, so I drove. That would have been a no-brainer, except that I had never driven a car like this one with more gizmos and bells and whistles than I was accustomed to. Ryan was distracted from his call when I would pssst him and he would have to show me how to work the GPS, adjust the side mirrors, as well as the cruise control. I wasn’t about to argue with him because I didn’t have a clue. That car was NOT in my wheelhouse OR my garage!
Sometimes, I know I am wiser because I’ve been around the block way more times than others, but what is the point? I’ve learned to relinquish my right to be right. It’s not worth having to debate others. The idea for this blog post was born when I read Luke 5:1-5. In that passage, Peter, the apostle, provides the best way how to end arguments about our faith, and otherwise.
Peter and his co-fishermen, Andrew, James, and John, had just returned from a very unproductive fishing expedition. They were the professionals at fishing. Jesus was a carpenter. Technically, Jesus should have offered Peter advice about building a boat NOT telling Peter and his crew how to fish. Instead, Jesus tells Peter, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Peter gently reminds the King of the Universe who the “professional” fisherman is when he says: “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing.” Oh, the look Jesus must have given Peter because the next words we read are Peter saying: “But at your word I will let down the nets.”
Peter could have created an effective argument with Jesus. But Peter was aware of Who was telling him to get back in the boat. Peter’s words should frame every faith argument we have in the future. We might see ourselves as the “experts” in the conversation, but we aren’t. Jesus is. The words that should guide ours are the same words Peter used: “But at your word I will” believe, go, teach, obey, choose, surrender, submit.” You get the point!
Arguing isn’t my cup of tea, but lest my silence sounds like acceptance, I am exposing my mode of operation aka “older and wiser” wisdom. I don’t have to be right. And, I don’t struggle with what the Bible says. I own it and do my best to follow it as my road map. Peter answered that question for us with his example. He told Jesus, “But at your word I will . . . .” Peter was getting acquainted with THE TRUTH.
Peter’s men went fishing again that day and caught so many fish their boats started to sink. Peter obeyed Jesus’ words and was greatly blessed. All of us desire God’s blessings, and God wants us to have them. The next time we argue with the wisdom of Scripture or become involved in someone else’s argument with God’s Word, because we know THE TRUTH like Peter did, we can lay down our right to be right. We just need to look to Jesus and say, “But at your word I will . . . .”