Being the Spice of Life
I just can’t complain about anything, but I sure could if I let myself go there. But I can’t complain at all, especially when I see others with tremendous physical issues, heartbreak issues, homeless issues, and so many other issues.
I was touched by Shane Claiborne’s book, “The Irresistible Revolution”, subtitled “Living as an Ordinary Radical”. The book describes what a truly Christian lifestyle should be like based on his personal experience with Mother Teresa in Calcutta, India (now, St. Teresa of Calcutta).
Claiborne wrote: “People often ask me what she was like. Sometimes it’s like they wonder if she glowed in the dark or had a halo. She was short, wrinkled, and precious, maybe a little ornery, like a beautiful, wise, old granny. But there is one thing I will never forget — her feet.
Her feet were deformed. I would stare at them. A Sister explained: “Her feet are deformed because we get just enough donated shoes for everyone, and Mother does not want anyone to get stuck with the worst pair, so she digs through and finds them. And years of doing that have deformed her feet.”
Imagine, years of loving her neighbor as herself deformed her feet. When people are asked about the person whose life they most admire, so often the answer is “Mother Teresa”. She made the most of her life which sounds strange when we consider her life was a life of self-denial, taking up her cross, following Jesus.
Goodness. I think – how do I compare to the selflessness of someone like Mother Teresa? The truth is – we shouldn’t compare, but we should step up our game when it comes to loving and caring for others. Getting ourselves out of “first priority” into an “others priority”!
Life is an extraordinary and wonderful gift. God’s Word constantly urges us not to waste this gift but to make the most of our lives. To some, that means seeing the seven wonders of the world, visiting every state in the union, climbing the tallest mountain, running a marathon each year OR, to make a difference in our world or at least to make a difference in those who God places in our lives.
My bucket-list is not near as long as it used to be. My list has become shorter because now I’m seeing clearer what “making the most of my life is really all about”.

I desire that God uses me as “flavoring” in someone’s pot. Not literally, a pot, but to provide some spice in their life that encourages them to press on, to be encouraged and to be difference-makers to others.
Lord, please make us good and tasty “flavoring” to our world. Please make us instruments of your peace, your love, and your joy. Maybe, this day will be one that, like Mother Teresa, we make a difference in someone’s life as we surrender our wills to Yours.