Blessed are They who Believe
My blog title today was inspired by Luke 1:45 “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!” Mary’s cousin, Elizabeth, proclaimed those affirming words to Mary after a long trip from Nazareth.
It is only 9 days until Christmas AND 15 days until 2024, but who’s counting? This scripture from Luke is packed with promises: Blessed; Believed; Fulfill; Promises. “Blessed” is who Mary was because she “BELIEVED”. “Fulfill” says promise kept.
The women of this story, Elizabeth and Mary, in Luke 1:26-45 are two unlikely pregnant ladies — one too old and the other too young (and unmarried). Despite our heroines’ improbable beginnings, our good God gave them each other. They each played a key role in the Christmas story . Mary carried baby Jesus, and her cousin Elizabeth was expecting John the Baptist.
In their first moments together, Elizabeth, inspired by the power of the Holy Spirit, affirms Mary’s calling as the mother of our Savior, finishing with this proclamation: “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!” (Luke 1:45)
Mary was blessed because she believed. “Believing” is the first step to receiving. It is the foundation for “fulfillment” of what we are hoping for. Mary’s belief wasn’t built on her circumstances. It was based on the Baby. Her belief wasn’t focused on a specific outcome (little did she know the pain she’d endure as she followed her Son to the cross). It was founded on the Overcomer.
And, THAT should be our mode of operation, too! A co-volunteer met me in our breakroom on Wednesday. This is a gal who is a do-gooder. Last week, she gave us little bags of candy and a Starbucks Gift Card. But this day, she was less than the jolly-gooder the week before. She wasn’t feeling good. That isn’t unusual because she has had many bouts of illnesses.
Her belief in her healing has been waning. It was then when I knew God was speaking to my heart to encourage her to BELIEVE. I spoke words of hope and expectation for healing. I prayed with her. Then, remarkably, she starting beaming and scrolled to a song that helps her when she’s not feeling well to encourage me.
Our belief shouldn’t be based on what the circumstances look like in our lives right this minute. Our belief should be based on the promises of our Overcomer, our Lord Jesus Christ. Belief is confident resting. Mary’s belief led to confidently resting in her calling to be the mother of our Savior. Just like the order of the words of this scripture – fulfillment follows belief.
We can confidently rest in God’s promises to never leave us or forsake us and nothing is impossible with Him, even when our outcomes are unsure and our circumstances shaky.
God’s timing might not be our timing, but He always fulfills His promises when we believe. I’m like a squeaky wheel, but I must reiterate those words again: “Blessed is she (and he) who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her/him.”
So, when we get the unlikely phone call, when plans fail, when outcomes shift, when healing is delayed and when the dreams in our hearts shatter, we can confidently rest in God’s truth as we BELIEVE that God will FULFILL His PROMISES to us.
Christmas Day is just around the corner when we celebrate the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises — Jesus. So, turn up the Christmas music. It’s time to celebrate the “Birthday-Boy” and all the hope and joy He brings.