Boldly Moving from the Back Seat to the Front Seat
We’ve taken the back seat long enough. We’ve allowed others to drive us to places (figuratively speaking) where we really didn’t want to go. But because we’re good back seat listeners rather than front seat speakers, we are complacent, quiet, and seem agreeable to wherever they go and whenever they go there. Instead of sitting in the back seat, it’s time we took our place in the front seat and “steered” the conversation.
When my sweetheart passed away, I had to become a take-charge, confident, fearless and BOLD gal. I played the “widow” card for a while and it worked in negotiations for my new home, getting some special treatment for services and getting lots of TLC from friends and family. Before long, that card expired and I had to step up to the plate and be a strong, resilient and capable businesswoman, entrepreneur and coach to those who faced similar circumstances.
I know boldness can often come across as pushy. And when we “go bold” on our own, it isn’t a pretty sight. You know those folks: demanding, controlling, domineering. Ugh! I do my best to steer clear of them and I sure don’t want to be one of them, either. Those take-over approaches don’t honor God and, in fact, they even repel when we want to draw folks in. We want to lift people up — not bring them down.
Boldness, in the hands of God, can be such a gift. I love Queen Esther’s boldness. She was willing to approach the throne of King Xerxes, though it could have meant her life. She said, “I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish,” (Esther 4:16). What a role model for women in every century! But her plan was not her own. Before she put her life on the line to save her people, she wisely asked them to fast and pray, that she might be given favor by the king. And great favor she received.
Boldness can be risky business when we do it on our own. But when we allow God to be in the driver’s seat, we can rest assured He will take us to where we need to go and get there safely and in His perfect timing. We can trust Him completely without fear. In fact, we can leave the driving to him entirely – knowing the outcome is always in His capable hands.
I’m thanking God for giving me victory over intimidation and helping me in my quest for boldness. With His nudging and reminding me of His abilities in me, I sold two homes in Oklahoma and purchased a home in Texas. I left the driving to His capable hands. I’ve silenced the voices of intimidation and have boldly stepped into my seat of boldly blogging and speaking about God’s faithfulness and goodness.
When we let HIS boldness pour through us, we’ll discover, “He crowns the humble with victory,” (Psalm 149:4). My crown is not the likes of Queen Esther, but it’s one I wear proudly because it’s one that God placed on my head and it’s called the Crown of Boldness. I’ve learned not to hold back from sharing God’s love to those who are hurting. Here’s God’s Word for you and I today: Joshua 1:9 “This is my command: Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid. Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” So, let’s be bold, be strong, for the Lord our God is with us….and, like Queen Esther….”for such a time as this!”