God Isn’t Scratching His Head
How far we’ve come since the worst thing that we could get punished for in school was chewing gum or triggering (with a ball point pen) a stink bomb! Whew! I can still smell that in the halls of my school or the chemistry classroom. And fast forward a few decades to the 2020’s and…
The Joys Outweigh the Jitters
Yesterday, I blogged about “counting even the toughest times as joy” – because in the middle of those times, we’ll find joy, if we look for it. Joy certainly has outweighed the jitters over this humongous move I just made. Since December, I was on a quest to sell my home, which meant getting the…
Prepare Ye the Way for Children of all Ages
Merry Christmas! “Prepare ye the way of the Lord…..” were Isaiah’s prophetic words (Isaiah 40:3) and John the Baptist repeated them in advance of Jesus making His debut. (Mark 1:3) And, when Jesus made His debut, it was because of His Father’s love for ALL of His children. EVERYTHING about Christmas is about children of…
Grumbling, Murmuring, Whining — Sound Familiar?
On the way home from VBS yesterday, I called a friend and immediately she began to tell me that she wasn’t in a happy place right now. Lots of “life” stuff had her in a pinch. On the contrary, I was in a happy place. I was still basking in the “rush” of having been…