He’s Just a Stubborn Donkey
That’s what I said when I tried to move Bryson’s donkey away from the stable door. He wouldn’t budge. But, NOT this donkey that I’m speaking of today. Happy Palm Sunday! Today, we celebrate our Lord’s triumphant entrance into Jerusalem where He was welcomed by crowds praising and worshipping Him and laying down palm leaves…
Time to Raise the Praise
I woke-up my computer from its sleep and this view of the Kogelberg Mountains in Kogel Bay, South Africa appeared on my laptop. The Bing search engine provides breathtaking photos of a gorgeous landscape picture. This one gave me pause. I wanted to know more about it. The area is the Kogelberg Nature Reserve and…
From Surviving to Thriving
We have sure had the opportunity to be tested, tried and sentenced over the last few months. How is it looking for you? Would you have been convicted of giving up, throwing in the towel, quitting, sulking, murmuring and complaining about it all? Or would you receive glowing testimonials from your family and friends about…
Offering Sacrifices of Praise is Sometimes All We’ve Got
A dear friend of mine, for over nine years has been relentless in the care of her sweet boy and his journey with Full Trisomy 13. I’ve never seen anything like what this sweet boy has endured and neither have I seen a mother more devoted to her boy in meeting his daily needs, but…