Celebrating Motherhood
Happy Mother’s Day to all women – to the stay-at-home mom, working moms, foster moms, adopted moms, moms-in-waiting, guardian moms, grandmothers, mentor moms, grieving moms, fur moms, sister moms, neighbor moms, church moms, baby-sitting moms, future moms and on it goes.
I took my liberty with this photo that includes my grandmother, my mom, my mom-in-love, my two girls, Shawntel’s grandmother and my darlings. These women made me ME! My heart strings were tugged as I started writing this blog yesterday. Though birthing my two babies was and is one of my crowning (literally) achievements, I can’t flaunt it in any way. That is one of my claims-to-fame, but if I choose life every day and live life on purpose to “mother” those in my sphere of influence, then I know I am fulfilling my God-given calling by God. And so can you!
Here’s the mom we all have in common – OUR mom! Whether she was any of the above I listed or not – thank God for our mothers! If it weren’t for she – we wouldn’t be. I can’t go on without offering up praises for my Mom. I wasn’t a planned baby – it had been 12 years since Mom gave birth to her “last”. I’m ever grateful she chose life and loved life enough to birth me into it. And she was grateful she chose life because I became her caregiver to her last day on planet earth. My mother gave me the best of her which were her unwavering prayers, faith, and trust that I would turn out alright. I’m still working on it!
Last night at church, I sat behind a couple of rambunctious little girls. The operative words here “at church”. Get over it if a child bothers you in church. They are absorbing what matters most. Though the dad took the youngest (about two) out because she was distracting, he came back in with her for communion. I watched the mother. She displayed attitude – an attitude of worship. The oldest (about four) looked up at her mommy. She didn’t flinch. The older seemed to respect mommy’s attitude of worship. When it came time for “The Lord’s Prayer”, the child raised her little hands, with eyes closed, and perfectly said the words. When giving each other the sign of peace, I told her I was so proud of her for saying the prayer so well. She beamed and looked up at her mother who hugged her.
The minister had spoken about love. He said: “This is Mother’s Day weekend – the day we express “love” to “love”. The definition of a mother is love.” And I add that definition applies to anyone who mothers. I know we take that to mean a biological or adopted mom, but hold on! I was “mothering” when I spoke to that little girl. Webster’s says “mother” means: to give birth to or to care for or protect like a mother or nurturer. So, I qualified to “mother” when I started baby-sitting at 12-years-old. And, now, I “mother” many young women who I coach, counsel, encourage and support. I was built for this when I started playing with my dolls and pretending to “mother”.
None of us may ever win a “mother of the year” award, but we are in the running to love and “mother” any and everyone who crosses our pathways. Moms of all kinds, I’m cheering you on today! You wear so many hats and maybe you’re tired more days than you’re not. I admire you. I WAS you! I admire your persistence, your tenacity, and your ability to juggle everything. You are doing an amazing job. To love a child is a beautiful thing, whether the child is your biological child or not. Your hearts are big. You love children who sometimes have bigger struggles on their small shoulders than us adults can understand. I hope you know you are making a difference in this world. Thank you.