Celebrating the Greatest Love Story Ever Told
Happy Valentine’s Day! God loves you so much and so do I.
I’m thankful for this sweet day of Valentine’s for lovers everywhere! It seems #ValentinesDayChallenge is the trend this year on Facebook. Couples answer questions about their first date, how long they’ve been together, who said I love you first, most sensitive, etc. I’ve gotten to know some of you a little better after I read your stories. I’ll be honest – many of you surprised me with your answers. I love your stick-to-it attitudes that reveal that opposites attract and your marriage has stood the test of time after many years together. I’m applauding you!
I love hearing other people’s love stories. And I love mine. From February 14th, 1961 when two young kids went on their first official date (at ages 13 & 12) to my church’s Valentine’s Banquet to this year of 2021 makes 60 Valentines. Of course, I miss my sweetheart today. I read this morning from last year’s journal. I reenacted our “usual” Valentine’s Day — a romantic movie and dinner. I took myself out for a romantic movie and had a not-so-romantic dinner. It felt good that I didn’t pine away in sadness. I loved remembering.
Truth is I wouldn’t bring my sweetheart back for anything. I love him too much to want him back. You see, the Bible is full of wonderful promises, and perhaps the most wonderful of all is this: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). There are many things we don’t know about what heaven will be like because it is beyond our ability to comprehend. But one thing we can be sure of, is that it will fulfill our greatest longings; it will dazzle us with its beauty; it will be greater than anything we could imagine or dream; it will be a place where love and joy will reign unspoiled. And that’s where my sweetheart is celebrating this Valentine’s Day. One thing’s for sure, my greatest determination is to be there with him someday.
But, just so you know – as great as my love story was and is – and as great as your love story is, it doesn’t hold a candle to the incomparable GREATEST Love Story ever told. I am a romantic. I love my Hallmark movies. I love my own love story with my sweetheart. And as sweet our love was for us, I would be remiss to not celebrate the unwavering love God has for us. This REALLY is the greatest love story ever told. ‘For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life.’ (John 3:16)
This is one of the most beautiful verses in the Bible because it summarizes in 24 words, God’s great love for us by saving us from perishing and giving us eternal life. Throughout history, no greater love comes close to the love God demonstrated on the Cross for us, His children. His Son brought an end to the cycle from the Old Testament of us rebelling and turning our backs on God time and time again. Nothing can be compared to God’s love that is found in Jesus Christ. In the form of God’s Son, Jesus, God’s great love rescued us.
Maybe your sweetheart blessed you with a diamond ring this year. I know you will wear it with pride and joy and gratitude to know that kind of love from your loved one. But truth be known — the shape of true love isn’t a diamond. It is a cross. The cross of our Savior Who gave His all for those Who He loved – unconditionally. I’m thankful for that true love. How about you?