Clenched Fists or Open Hands?

Clenched Fists or Open Hands?

September 23, 2020 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

Are your fists clenched so tightly that if you let them go, you know you’ll blow? After all these uncharted waters of the pandemic – that steam might erupt like Old Faithful, as you shout “I’M DONE!” Maybe, you’re white-knuckling it because you’re fearful of what is up ahead. I know both examples. I was well-acquainted with pent-up frustration, and disappointment and anger because I held onto all those emotions too long.

I’m thankful I made it through those clenched fists and white-knuckle (good and bad) times. I was well-seasoned, tested and tried, with victories and failures (too many to count) and I know that overthinking, over-analyzing, over-concern and over-worry is nothing more than a peace robber. I can verify that it is a waste of time and a waste of peace to live that way.

We’d prefer to live in protective bubbles that repel any negative pressures and concerns, but protective bubbles aren’t what we were promised. Look at Jesus’ words in John 16:33 “I have told you these things so that IN ME, you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Oh, so encouraging! As long as we stay IN Him and Him in us, we are promised His great gift of peace — the better way to live without bearing all those weights and burdens alone.

God wants us to see things more from His perspective and let the Light of His presence fully fill our minds and hearts. How do we do that? See those sets of hands in this image? One is clenched — carrying the load. The other are open hands — no longer clenched or white-knuckled. They have let go of all they carried and are now in freedom because they “cast all their burdens on He who cares for them” (Psalm 55:2).

Maybe, today, you’re worried and concerned about many things. Jesus said those words to Martha in Luke 10:41 when she was probably wringing her hands in anxiety about so much to be done while her sister Mary just had her hands in her lap (like this photo again) in complete peace and surrender for hearing Jesus’ voice. Maybe Jesus is gently and ever so tenderly plying your fingers apart and interlocking His to yours and saying “I’ve got this. Let go and let My hands carry you.”