Comfort and Peace in the Storm
I’m continuing my blog series about these two furry grand-dogs that I’m keeping while my children are away. It’s Sunday morning and I get a wake-up call, rather a wake-up barking at 4:30 am from Emma, the Yorkie. I’m not a happy camper. Who wants to be awakened by a barking alarm? My sleep is very important to me because I get so little of it. So the little I get doesn’t want to be disturbed. I prance into my granddaughter’s bedroom where Emma sleeps and I shoosh her. I get back to my room and determine to get just a few more minutes of shut-eye, then I hear thunder bellowing loudly. Aw! So that’s why Emma is barking. She is afraid. I go pick her up and bring her to my bed. She snuggles in closely to me. She is comforted. She is at peace because I represent peace and comfort to her.
Rarely do I veer off-course from my life experiences in my blogs. That’s on purpose. St. Paul said, in 2 Corinthians 1:4 “That you may be comforted with the same comfort that I have been comforted with.” And, indeed, that is my desire to bring comfort – not to just a furry friend, but to comfort others with the many times of comfort that I have been comforted with during my own “thunderous, stormy and difficult times. I want to help others learn their lessons…..much faster than I do.

I found that when the storms come, it’s our nature to get worried –- like little Emma. She doesn’t understand loud thunder. And, maybe we don’t either. Oftentimes, praying and seeking God for the answer is the last thing we do to escape our storms. “Well, I’ve tried everything else…..so as a last resort, I’ll ask God for help!” We do our best to try to figure it all out, when He Who knows everything about everything has it all figured out. He is just waiting for us to cry out to Him for the answers.
The disciples knew Jesus was on the mountain praying. They discounted the fact that He was the authentic, unparalleled storm chaser and peace maker. They toiled and feared in their boat on the stormy waters, but Christ was praying on the mountainside for them because He saw the storm come up and He saw their fear. And we should realize that He sees and knows the storms we’re going through and He is hearing our prayers in the midst of OUR storms.
Little Emma snuggles in close to me and even as I type this blog this early Sunday morning, she sleeps on, and, in fact — snoring. If my tender heart cares for the concerns of this little dog, how much more does our loving Heavenly Father care about us? He is always inviting us to “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) We can know this: There is no difficulty in life that is stronger than Jesus. We can snuggle in close to Him and face our difficult times with courage because He promised to ALWAYS be with us! I love knowing that His peace is ours during our storms….and how reassuring to know that right behind this storm is a rainbow of blessing! He promised it, and I’ve come to count on it!