Crowd Control was one of His Superpowers
Moving right along in the Book of Luke for my December 9th readings yesterday, I came across the feeding of the 5,000. First, I tried to picture 5,000 people (plus families). “What did that look like?” I googled U.S. stadiums that held 5,000. The only 5,000 people stadium I found was the Lindner Family Tennis Center in Cincinnati OH – the location for the Western & Southern Tennis Open. Rabbit trail warning: In case you’re interested in attending the tournament or get a grasp on what 5,000 people in one place with a preacher preaching, looks like, you might be interested in attending 2021’s tournament which is the largest tournament in the U.S. leading up to the U.S. Open. (It’s your fault, God! You gave me this inquiring mind!)
Let’s get off the bunny trail and back to this story. Unlike the tennis crowds that probably has more food choices located throughout the center than you could shake a stick at, the 5,000+ who were hungry for Jesus and hungry for food, had no local fast food or eatery choices available to them. The disciples, probably hungry themselves, advised the Preacher that the crowds were hungry (as if He didn’t know). They were feasting on manna from heaven as Jesus spoke but the disciples’ hunger pains were out of control.
Then came Jesus….to the rescue. He IS the bread of life and the water that never runs dry. He IS the “all you can eat and drink” buffet, ALWAYS ready to meet the needs of those who call on Him.
Jesus summoned the disciples to find food and all they found were five loaves and two fish. Then He directed them to get people in groups of 50. He knew crowd control – another of His superpowers. And then the grand finale… Luke 9:16-17 “Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, He gave thanks and broke them. Then He gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.”
During this most wonderful time of the year, I am caught up in Jesus’ miracle birth, but this segue to Who the baby became stirs me up. This Luke “life of Jesus” reading plan has given me a reality check. Though we love our manger scenes, Jesus is no longer in the manger. The reality is you and I are His disciples today and when we come upon something that stumps us like feeding a 5,000+ crowd with a couple of fish and some bread or surviving a worldwide pandemic, He is right there to give us the wisdom, the strategy, the creative ideas AND the solution.
God’s faithfulness has never depended on the faithfulness of His children. He is faithful even when we aren’t. Jesus co-partnered with the disciples and a little boy and He was able to feed the 5,000+ by multiplying what they had on hand. He is the Master multiplier. We are the chosen partners He uses. Imagine that little boy’s story the rest of his life. “Jesus used ME!”
What if, today, right here at the end of this year, we present Him with what we have? Maybe be that one who raises their hand and says: “Pick me!” to make a meal for someone in need, or “Pick me!” to give Christmas to a needy family!” We can be difference makers when we co-partner with God. Not a big deal at all. But, if I’m one of God’s partners, my “little” just might be the BIG that God uses to multiply blessings to someone today. Yes, little becomes BIG when we accept our partnership with the great crowd Controller AND the great Multiplier!