“Do Not Fear” Seems to be a Theme Here
Merry Christmas Eve! NO FEAR here! Well, maybe a smidgen of fear was here a couple of days ago. My grandson, Payton and I made a weekend trip to Austin. While there, we heard that the pastor of my children’s church had contracted Covid. We had been to the church the previous weekend. No fear here, but, then on Tuesday, at 2:30 am, I woke with a crazy painful sore throat. Could hardly swallow. Immediately, “Covid” flashed in my head like neon lights! I quickly poured myself a saltwater cocktail and gargled my way to an early morning blog post.
I can’t say it was authentic fear, but I did think about Covid and “what if’s”. I prayed the healing virtue of Jesus over myself. Then, throughout the morning, I continued my saltwater routine, as well as throat lozenges. My temperature was normal. I’m happy to report that the pain and my “fears” left as quickly as they came by early afternoon.
Those three words of Jesus, “Do not fear” pack a punch, don’t they? While I try to stay on the living-by-faith bandwagon, the fact is I am very aware of the fears we face: monthly bills, repairs, health concerns, Covid, struggling relationships, etc. I’m cognizant of the seriousness of those who are at the end of their rope in coping with fear. It is no laughing and quick-fix matter. But, Jesus!
Can we live above our fears? Or at least quiet fear’s gnarly voices? No wonder the angels announce to the main characters in the Christmas story, “Do not be afraid.” Mary hears it. Joseph hears it. The shepherds hear it from a chorus of angels. “Don’t be afraid” and “Fear not” appears in the Bible more than 365 times.
God delights in turning times of fear into holy, providential times of His presence and His promises. But God. The ONE and ONLY — the same God Who told Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds to not be afraid, is still telling us “Do not be afraid.” Those words don’t sound like a holy “suggestion” at all. Why does God “command” us not to be afraid when it seems impossible NOT to fear?
Throughout the Bible we learn our Lord is a Lord of miracles. God’s plan is greater than our fears. So, whether on this 2020 Christmas Eve, or the days to come, our hope rests in the perfect love of God Who casts out fear. The message of the Angel of the Lord is for every day – not just Christmas… “Fear not, for I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be unto all people. For unto you is born this day … a SAVIOR which is Christ the LORD!” (Luke 2:9-11)
Picture the God of the universe handing you his Son, wrapped in swaddling clothes. Hear Him say, “Don’t be afraid of anything, ever. I give you comfort. I give you hope. I give you good news of great joy! I give you peace that passes understanding. I give you perfect love that casts out all fear. I give you JESUS!”
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear.” Psalm 46:1