Do We Represent Well
I was very moved by this photo of Sgt Nicole Gee (age 23) cradling a baby in her arms at Afghanistan’s Kabul airport. She posted the photo on Instagram and wrote, “I love my job.” Didn’t she represent us well with those words? But, then, she was among 13 U.S. troops killed in the horrific suicide bombing at the Kabul airport. Her fellow sergeant for three years, Mallory Harrison, said of Gee: “Her last breath was taken doing what she loved — helping people — then there was an explosion. And just like that, she’s gone.” Sgt Gee represented our Country well.
Also, representing well for their countries, are foreign ambassadors. Their words, their diplomatic demeanor, and their actions are the “good impression” that is needed to ensure comradery and a commitment for peace and well-being between a foreign country and their home country.
And, we are foreign ambassadors and resident representatives of God’s Kingdom on earth and being so, shouldn’t our actions give off the “good impression” we make for Christ? As His ambassadors, shouldn’t we represent Him well? In 2 Corinthians 3:2-3, Paul says, “You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” We are God’s living letters.

That sheds a HUGE spotlight on us as Christ’s chosen ambassadors who represent Him on earth. But, are we? Are we His letter of recommendation and others take that recommendation “to the bank”. They see us as trustworthy, acting in character and honor and our word is solid gold to them. They see us as generous, supportive, kind, tenderhearted and loving…..so much so that they want to be living letters for Christ, too! 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says “Encourage one another and build each other up.”
It’s time for a self-analysis — to look inward and ask “How well do we represent?” And other questions like: “Am I the friend, spouse, parent, sibling, co-worker, and associate you wish you had?”
Being Christ’s representative is being the beautiful creation God made us to be by appreciating all that God placed within us to BE – that quirky laugh that brightens up a room with joy; those eyes that see the pain and needs of others and does something about it; that voice that speaks encouragement and hope into others, and that mind that consciously conjures up ways to change this world for the better. Most of all to be that ONE who sets the example of God’s love and peace to others…..so that they want YOU to be their best friend. In so doing – we ARE being the best versions of ourselves and representatives for Christ!