Do You Hear What I Hear?
I read the FB post of a precious friend yesterday who has been so intentional for believing for a miracle for the entire ten years of her darling son’s life. Kingston has a terminally diagnosed illness called Trisomy 13. Kingston, who has been physically limited in so many ways, brings so much joy to his mama. Earlier in the day she had taken him for an ear appointment and had his ears cleaned out. These were some of her words:
“I had the most powerful moment with Kingston tonight. He got his ears cleaned out today at the ENT. A TON of stuff removed! Result? I was singing “Emmanuel” to him like I have ever since he was in my womb and he just listened so intently and didn’t move. He hung onto every single word and every horrible note that my Momma heart belted out and then TEARS welled up in his eyes as he kept staring at me and not even moving a breath! I think he’s hearing me! At 6 months old he was diagnosed with severe and profound hearing loss. My baby just heard me sing to him and it’s pretty glorious. His reaction was so moving I just soaked up the moment and didn’t grab my camera right away because I just wanted to live in the moment. But if you zoom in, you’ll see his right eye is full to the brim with tears. Jesus, keep bringing on the miracles because that has been the cry of my heart for 10 years now! Agree with me for a supernatural miracle — that Jesus may always get the glory! Amen! I will never give up hope! I tell him every day his ears hear perfectly!!! Come on Jesus!”
Don’t you love those words of a loving faith-filled mother — love for her boy and her Lord? Among many desires for her child, she wants him to hear. Just imagine how our Heavenly Father wants His children to hear. “Hearing” is my obvious word of the day. The second verse of the delightful Christmas carol, “Do You Hear What I Hear?” is: “Said the little lamb to the Shepherd boy, Do you HEAR what I hear? Ringing through the sky Shepherd boy. Do you HEAR what I hear? A song, a song, high above the trees, With a voice as big as the sea. With a voice as big as the sea.”
What is that song the little lamb is singing about? The song of God made flesh as a heaven-sent baby (the Lamb of God AND our Shepherd). In a year of so much noise in our world and in our heads, imagine how much our Father wants us to hear His voice.
“Can you hear me?” Those are words I know our Heavenly Father must say to us time and again, but we’re so caught up in the “noise” going on and thinking about everything except for tuning into the “Shepherd’s” frequency in our lives. Like our children, we do hear, but we’re just not obeying. In fact, we may be as guilty as our kids are when we’ve told them time and again to do something, and they act like they never heard us. So often, the things we say to our children are the very things God wants us, His children, to hear: “I’m the parent and you’re the child — that’s why! Trust Me. I know what’s best for you.”
Tuning into God’s frequency and hearing His voice, leads us to green pastures where He heals and restores us – spirit, soul and body. Jesus tells us in John 10:27, “My sheep HEAR My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” I open my ears today, Lord, to HEAR your voice!