Don’t Look for the Answers
Look for the Giver. I heard those words spoken and they resonated with me. How often do we ask the stand-pat questions in a state of wonder and concern: “When? Where? How? Why?” when we should be nuzzling in close to the Giver – the One who knows it all and has all the answers. When we are tight with the Giver, we’ll enjoy the love, the grace, the peace, the joy and the comfort we need for the journey to the answers to our questions.
I heard Pastor Faustin, who immigrated in 2010 from Africa to the U.S. tell his story. He arrived with his mind swirling about living in America and getting to have cheesecake – his favorite food EVER. When he arrived, his host asked what he’d like to have to eat. He said: “Cheesecake”, so of course he was taken to Cheesecake Factory. When the waitress asked what he’d like to eat, he said “Cheesecake”. She asked: “What kind?” His response: “Cheesecake”. She responded, “But we have 33 kinds of cheesecake. What kind would you like to have?” And, with a huge, teeth-exposing smile, he exclaims: “I love AMERICA! There are 33 kinds of cheesecake here!” And, oh, the other gifts, joys and blessings he has come to receive in America. And, oh that most of us had lived in a Third World Country and we would love and appreciate what we have here in America so much more.
When we were children, it was very important to find “the Giver” – Santa Claus. If we could just get to his lap and tell him our wants, then on Christmas morning, our hearts’ desires would be by the tree. That’s kid-stuff. Not real, here-and-now adult stuff. Shhh! There’s no Santa Claus or genie in a bottle but there is our God with Whom nothing is impossible. And He stands ready to bless us with His best in His best timing.
He’s also NOT a slot machine or coke machine where money in equals a big cash win or a bottled drink is dispensed. Here’s how God’s Word explains the way we approach our Giver.
“Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL these things will be provided to you.” (Matthew 6:33), and“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding AND all these things will be added to you.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Can you see a pattern here? Seeking and trusting and finding the GIVER. Establishing a close-knit relationship. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting that we don’t seek God for answers or “the gifts”, as summed up in this quote: “In despising the gifts, we insult the Giver.” We don’t disassociate God from His gifts. We simply recognize God IN every gift we receive.
God, Himself is by far our greatest gift. As long as we see Him in His gifts to us and thank Him wholeheartedly for them, we need not fear we’re appreciating them too much. The Giver and His Gifts are a package-deal. “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)