Don’t Quit Mid-Stream — Go for the Big Picture
A dear friend’s FB post inspired me to write this blog. So many frustrations and disappointments held her captive to the present, the distorted, out-of-focus picture of today’s struggles. I get it. Sometimes it seems all hell has broken loose and we struggle to breathe in the midst of the heat — not thinking about what God is up to in His grand scheme of things.
When we in are a difficult season and we can’t see a way out or see what the purpose is or see when it will change, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with it all. It’s a lot like this photo — everything is all out of focus. We want to know why and we want to make sense of it all, but sense doesn’t make sense. If we take time to remember Who is painting the picture and Who brings the big picture into focus, then hope starts to come again.
Although sometimes we may think we’ve got this — in reality there is only ONE Who has got this and is in control of the big picture. We have our limits. God has NO limits. When we dwell on the outcome, we miss what is happening now. God is right here and He knows the way. He knows how the big picture looks. I know it’s not easy to simply breathe and rest in God’s faithfulness to His promises — but I promise you….He is working a plan that will be for your good….so relax, Baby, relax!
‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.’ {Isaiah 55:8-9}

God sees our whole journey — from beginning to end. Every step is important to Him. He understands what is happening. He knows our circumstances. He is our guide and He is our helper. He comes to meet us right where we need Him. There is a larger meaning to the journey He has us on. Nothing is wasted. He will not leave it undone. So, chill, Baby, chill!
Even though we may not see things clearly, just hold on. Time will pass and we will see it as clearly as God had planned. It will be like seeing with new eyes. Seeing things through His planned perspective. ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ {Jeremiah 29:11}
This was my comment on my friend’s FB page and now I offer the same encouragement to you: “You are not in this alone and are clearly in God’s sight and heart. Hebrews 12: 1 says “Let us run with perseverance.” He is the reason we can stay in the race. Take the next step, sweet girl (sweet guy). Keep going. Keep believing. Most of all, keep loving. The safest place for our hearts is entrusting them to the One who for the joy set before Him endured the cross. The One who does not grow weary. The One Who, in the middle of all the noise and chaos and danger, will never allow your heart to be lost. “Oh the plans He has for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Keep swimming, sweet girl (sweet guy)! <3 ????. Love you so much!