So I finished my year-end bookkeeping for my tax returns. Yay! I use my Quickbook app to post all my credits and debits. AND, I transfer the totals into my EXCEL app for sending the info to my accountant.
That EXCEL app prompted today’s blog. EXCEL means to perform exceptionally well in an activity or subject; surpass limitations, skillful, talented, soar, to be outstanding, stands out, unparalleled, without equal.
When I was googling for the definition of EXCEL, I came across the Microsoft EXCEL electronic spreadsheet history. I remember our first access to electronic spreadsheets was the Lotus 1-2-3. Yes, I used it. And, isn’t it interesting that I would read that Lotus 1-2-3’s original release date was 40 years ago yesterday, on January 26, 1983. Oh, how God sets me up for surprises.
Eventually Microsoft developed EXCEL which started with the intention to do everything Lotus 1-2-3 did, but do it better. And they did. In just three years, Excel started to outsell Lotus and helped Microsoft achieve the position of the leading PC software developer. Excel really did surpass the others and today is the industry’s standard. Years ago, I took a continuing education course to learn all the how to’s of Excel. I EXCELLED at using Excel and today it is still my “go-to” for my data spreadsheets and accounting.
Now, a turn to God’s Word and EXCEL. This was an eye opener. In 2 Corinthians 8:1-11, the Apostle Paul was speaking about the folks in the Macedonian churches. In verse 2 he said “In the midst of very SEVERE trials, they had OVERFLOWING joy and their EXTREME poverty welled up in RICH generosity.” Did you get that? They were experiencing SEVERE trials, but had OVERFLOWING joy.
They lived in EXTREME poverty but were RICHLY generous. In verse 7, Paul encourages the Corinthians by saying “Since you EXCEL in everything — in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also EXCEL in this grace of giving.”
WOW – don’t those words pack a punch? God is impressed when we have overflowing joy in the middle of trials and He’s even more impressed when we’re generous during times of lack. I like this synonym of EXCEL “soar — surpass limitations”.
I’m grabbing hold of that word and those definitions. I desire to soar, surpass limitations and, as Paul mentioned, “EXCEL in everything” — in faith, in speech, in knowledge, and above all, in the grace of giving this year.
Giving comes in so many forms: a hug, a smile, an encouraging word, a compliment, time, treasure, and a host of other ways to EXCEL in the grace of giving. I purpose to be on the lookout for ways to EXCEL by being an extravagant GIVER this year.
As I think about the power we receive in our relationship with God, I’m expecting that EXCELLING will be the norm. When we take that relationship to others, indeed we will be enjoying a year of continual EXCELLING. Let’s EXCEL together as we truly become EXCEL-lent in everything – faith, speech, knowledge, giving and love this year!