Exposure of the Greatest Kind
This gal learned her lessons well. I exposed this white lily body way too many times to the sun as a teenager and as a grown up for many years. I’ve suffered the consequences of too much exposure to the sun.
Today, I’m talking about some top-notch exposure to the true power of God. It is life changing to be exposed to His presence. “And in His presence, He makes known to us the path of life and are filled with joy.” (Psalm 16:11)
When we are exposed to His supernatural power, He uncovers our greatest potential! As Christians, we have so much untapped potential. Unexpected blessings are coming in our direction, BUT we must seize them by faith!
I sense God has exciting possibilities coming our way — some unusual opportunities coming into the lives of His children. How do I know? When I see how the enemy is going all-out “beast mode” in this world, I KNOW that God is up to something grandiose for us!
In John 10:10 we read, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I (Jesus) have come that they may have abundant life.” We don’t have to look far to see evil in our world. But, why focus on evil when we have God’s unlimited potential to live an abundant life?
Bottom line, we need to stop dwelling on negativity. If Jesus came to give His followers abundant life, then why don’t we? The Apostle Paul speaks of his urgent desire to know Christ “and the power of his resurrection.”
He isn’t asking, “Lord, I need to know how you pulled it off.” He is asking God that he might personally experience the supernatural power of our risen Lord and Savior.
THAT supernatural power overcame and restored life to a corpse. The power that indwells every born-again believer is the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. And this power that raised Jesus from the dead abides and dwells in us right now so that we might overcome and even be used by God to be powerful in our daily lives.
That power lives and operates in our “inner being” and because of that power, “We are MORE than conquerors!” The “energy” that God “powerfully works within” us is limitless and endlessly abundant.
What if we consciously embraced the power of God as the routine, ordinary, daily reality in our lives as believers?
God intends for us to live in His power and draw from it every moment of every day. That same power lives in you and me. No matter how weak or ill-equipped we may feel, we can rely on the power of God.
We have the assurance that God “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20). So, go ahead, Lord, pour on YOUR power in our lives!