Fair Weather is for Sissies!
Years ago, as a private pilot, I only flew if the skies were clear and winds were light. I was a “fair weather” pilot. I preferred easy-going to my destination with a trouble-free landing. I preferred being the co-pilot for my “any weather” husband who was confident and cautious, in any weather. He loved the challenge of prevailing winds and figuring out his course of action. The more challenging the landing, the more accomplished he became as a pilot.
“Fair weather fans”, in sports, refers to those who have some interest in their team, but depart when tough times occur. God bless my Dallas Cowboys. Despite their awful loss again, I’ll forever be their fan – too many precious memories with my husband and I since their franchise began. I’m not a fair-weather fan to them unlike those who wait to see if their team turns around and starts winning again.
Then, I wonder: “Is it worth it to get all caught up in favorite teams and their games? Wouldn’t it be a better option to be a “Fair Weather Sports Fan” and a “Fair Weather Pilot”? No risks, no worries, safe zones, easy-going, no need for Rolaids, and just be able to live life in the comfort zone of “going with the flow”? But, then again, what a shame it would be to miss potential records being set, our teams winning THE BIG ONE, and being a co-winner with them!
And, about life — if we’ve never taken a risk and failed, we’ve never lived on the edge and enjoyed the victory when it came! I’ll never forget “the big one” that my husband and I “bet the farm” on. It was our biggest risk. We were going to become wealthy because of our investment in the drilling of an oil well.
My husband and our young son, Ryan, stayed at the oil well — all day and all night, watching and praying, for us to “strike it rich”! But it was a dry well. Disappointed? Yes! Was it a huge risk? Yes! Did it stop us? No! We never quit taking risks. And I sincerely believe that is why our family has met with many successes.
So how should we live when we’re not sure how things are going to turn out? In Ecclesiastes 11, King Solomon says, “Don’t play it safe — take risks.” In other words, we should live confidently because we have a “No limits” God. We shouldn’t avoid being blessed because of the concerns that come with them.
“What ifs” are “Fair Weather” attitudes that keep us complacent and settling for the status quo. No risks – no glory! When we take a deep breath, and hang in there through the highs and lows, we’ll be guaranteed a life of grand adventures. Yes, we may get white knuckles, indigestion, and even some bumps and bruises, but then we remind ourselves, God knows the outcome of the weather and our lives, so we might as well throw our hands up in the air and enjoy the thrills that await us on this exciting ANY weather ride!!
Deuteronomy 31:8 “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”