Fearless because Dad can be Trusted
I drove up to my children’s RV at the KOA camp in Rusk and there was a little boy, maybe two years old, kicking the thunder out of a plastic ball to his mom. She would kick it back to him and, unafraid, he’d kick it back again. I called out: “Are you going to be a soccer player?” Both he and his mom said “YES!”
That “no fear” attitude reminded me of the times when my husband would be teaching our kids, and even grandkids, to catch a ball, kick a ball or even jump to him, whether it was from the side of a pool or a side of a hill. Because he could be trusted, they didn’t flinch. They reacted completely unafraid.
Audacious, unwavering trust! I want to live like that! Those kicks-of-faith, swims-of-faith and leaps-of-faith times mean the child has to put aside all inhibitions and fears. But, no problem. She has child-like faith. That faith that shows all-out, undaunted trust that she will be caught. And sure enough, she lands, safely in her father’s arms. Remember that kind of trust? We had that trust because of the secure relationship we had with our parents. We completely trusted their words and promises. Did we ever think our father would miss us, and let us fall? Not hardly. We believed, and we had faith because we trusted in who he was to us.
I know there are those who didn’t experience the love of a godly father like this, but I know how we all can know this love. That’s the kind of faith we can, and should, have in our Heavenly Father. Having childlike faith isn’t perfect faith. There’s room for doubt, but the doubt doesn’t win – hope, trust and faith prevails and wins! What pleases God the most is our heart of sincerity that says, “God, I know You have my best interests at heart. Please bolster my faith in You.” He answers that kind of prayer. Bottom line, no matter how impossible our situations may seem, if we have that unwavering faith of a child, we believe and know He will catch us and put us on a straight path!
And, there is something so precious about the thought of getting to be a child again, and knowing we have a Father who will take care of us. He can bear the burdens of life while we can just enjoy ourselves, like we did when we were children, without having to worry about the nitty-gritty details. God will take care of all that. We don’t need to perform, we don’t need to be constantly striving for this or that; the burden is on God’s shoulders — not ours. Audacious, unwavering child-like faith. We can be fearless because our Dad can be trusted.
Matthew 18:3 “And Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”