God Equips the Called
Many times, I have felt inadequate to fulfill the call of God on my life. I sincerely wanted to be the picture of a loving, devoted homemaker. Though not a popular thought, if one is a women’s libber, it was still my desire.
I married young and I wanted to be a model wife for my young husband. I was woefully inadequate when we started out. At least I could cook the recipes I learned in Home Economics. That’s a high school class I happily chose. I’m so glad I did! Once “my calling” was given some time, I was equipped to be a loving, devoted, washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning-machine wife. I also worked a full-time job and served at my church.
My young 17-year-old self could do all that, plus – just a year later, become a mother, who by the time our little guy showed up on planet earth, I had nipped the childcare role in the bud. After all, I had been a babysitter since the age of 12, so I knew the ropes. Well, except for when he was sick, and God equipped me to handle those challenges. He “called” me to be a wife and mother. He equipped me.
I yielded to His instructions — sometimes. Other times, I’d regrettably take matters in my own hands – only to rewind and let God do what He does best – equip me with His special, handcrafted abilities.Within each of us are all the tools we need to fulfill God’s call on our lives.
I didn’t realize how equipped I was for widowhood until I became one. This girl could live life to its fullest on her own. She could run her business, sell her home, then, buy and build a new home, do her own accounting, become a blogger, repair many things in her home and car, take to the road travelling many miles to see family and friends. This girl, ME, was CALLED to widowhood. I was equipped to handle it.
It’s like a bird – God gave them wings; He equipped them with what they need, but they don’t use them until they must. I witnessed that with the cardinals and doves that nested around my home. Initially they clung close to the nest, waiting for mama or papa bird to bring them what they needed, but before long, they found that within them was the equipment they needed to soar.
We often find ourselves wondering what God has equipped us with – only to discover that we weren’t choosing to use what we had been given. We are packed full of wisdom, knowledge, zeal, determination, creativity, and a “can-do” attitude.
Genesis 1:27 says “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” That scripture speaks of OUR Creator and His intentions for us. He created us to create.
Maybe you find yourself struggling with purpose or are fearful to take a step in the direction that God is nudging you towards. God has already equipped you with the answer and how to take the next step. He will give you the strength to use all you have been given, so get ready to step up to the task. God equips THE CALLED. And you have been called.
“Now may the God of peace…..EQUIP you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” (Hebrews 13:20)