God is Really, Really With Us
One of the most comforting messages of Christmas is: “Emmanuel — God with us”! When we take that message to heart and honestly believe it with all our hearts, then we’ll recognize Him. The Baby grew up, lived and died for us and lives today in us through the Holy Spirit. Where we go, He goes! The wisdom we need for big decisions, the pain we feel as we watch a loved one suffer or pass on, the inexpressible joy of a newborn baby, while washing the dishes or lying down to take a nap — HE IS WITH US.
Though the excitement of opening presents is over, the joy and peace of Christmas still lingers. I love that atmosphere. But, most of all, what reassurance it is, to know that the great gift of the Babe in the manger is still here because He is Emmanuel, which means “God with us”! What that means to me is I am never alone, because God is with me. I sense Him in the peaceful times in my mornings, as I read His Word and in times of prayer…..but, even more so, I know He is with me during my everyday life.
I purpose to live my days remembering that God is with me, so as anyone that would be a passenger in my car, or a guest at my dinner table…..I talk to Him. I talk to Him about any, and everything. I thank Him for the “favors” that come, like green lights, the parking places close to the doors of the store, the “bargains” that I may find. And I’ve found that, because I stay close to Him during my days, when the times of unexpected challenges come, I just remember, I’m not facing anything alone, because God is with me…..and I feel His peace right away, and I know He will bring about what’s best for me. I urge you to KNOW Him – to know Emmanuel – He is with me – He is with YOU
In our times of fear, stress or worry – God is with us. In times of feeling lonely or forsaken, God Who Knows all, sees all and even feels all — is with us. We’re not alone. When we understand that Emmanuel is with us, then even our thoughts are not just random, but they are bulls-eye-target thoughts as God’s representative to our world. That means as His representatives, we convey His attitude, actions, and character in and through our lives. God gave us more than miracles and messages. He sent Himself; He sent His Son. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” John 1:14. He wants us to NOTICE that He really is WITH US and be bold as His ambassadors to tell the world “God is with us”!