God’s Hands of Protection
My grandson, 22-year-old Payton, came down to Austin from Dallas to be part of the 16th birthday celebration for Bryson. Bonus was he stayed with me and got my Christmas decorations in for me. Of course that puts me into “protective mode”. Meaning, when he departed yesterday morning, I prayed God’s hands of protection over him before he hit the road for home. Thank God for those mighty protective hands.
Remember how life seemed to just coast along when we were youngsters? But then, do you remember the boy or girl friend troubles that all encompassed our lives? Or acing the test that really mattered for a good grade at the end of the semester? Or the anxiety we felt when we were about to take our driving test? That’s how Bryson felt when he took and passed his driving test to get his license. No more Nana needing to pick him up from school. You better believe I’ll be praying for God’s hands of protection over his life!
But nothing compared to the boatloads of anxiety and concern we had (or have) with the responsibilities we have when we marry and have children of our own. Those children became our number one focus when it came to their protection and safety, especially in this age that we are living in today.
There is nothing that causes us to be prayer warriors like having children. Suddenly we are caretakers of little people — all-consuming — loving and making sure of their well-being. My children are grown with children of their own, but they are still at the top of my prayer list. So many unknowns, so many reasons to stay tight with God and double-up my prayers for keeping them safe and secure in His love and care for them.
I’ve always found encouragement from how Jesus boldly prayed for His followers. The night before His crucifixion, Jesus prayed this prayer: “My prayer is not that You take them out of the world, but that You protect them from the evil one.” (John 17:15)
Notice Jesus didn’t pray for fame and wealth or for a great escape for Himself or even that His disciples get a pass and go directly into heaven. Instead, He asked His Father to protect them from our enemy, Satan, the “evil one.” Right here in this world. We don’t have to look far – to recognize him and his evil tactics.
I know those times. The “thief” (Satan) is easily recognizable at what starts as a pleasant, loving, and communicative family time. But then, just one wrong word thrown out changes everything. Suddenly chaos breaks out and replaces the peace that was there before. “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.” (James 3:16)
Jesus knew we would need protection. He knew it from first hand experience. He knew the enemy’s tactics. And, like Him, every time we say “yes” to God, the enemy is right there to distract us or cause us to cave under the pressure.
Yet when we take risks for God, He becomes greater, stronger, and more trustworthy than ever. And, on His side, WE become stronger and more determined than ever to “fight the good fight”! God protects and preserves us from the evil one!
Following God doesn’t always mean knowing each step but knowing each step He is with us. And as we leave the concern to Him, we can watch in awe as He grants reassurance from all our doubts. Trusting God every step of the way gives us sweet assurance of seeing God’s hands of protection in miraculous ways.
“The Lord will keep you from all evil; He will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.” Psalm 121:7-8