God’s Not Dead. He’s Surely Alive.
The slang term “YOLO” certainly doesn’t apply to Jesus, does it? Whoever said “You Only Live Once” didn’t consider our Lord’s living, dying and living again forever! Jesus told his disciples “I’ll be back!” And, He kept His promise. Jesus made a comeback like no other. And, the over-the-top good news for us is whatever dismal situation we may be encountering today — because He lives, we can get ready for a comeback, too!
This morning I’m singing: “God’s not dead. He’s surely alive. Living on the inside. Roaring like a lion.” Indeed He is living on the inside so I know He lives. And anyone who tries to tell me otherwise….is way too late. He showed up for us on this Easter morning 2,000+ years ago, and shows up for us every day! Eyewitnesses stepped up to vouch for it, and heart-witnesses, like you and me, verify we walk and talk with Him every day. If God is dead, then who is this living in my soul?
This Easter morning may be cloudy or raining or a sand storm might be kicking up where you live today. There might be chaos, troubles on every hand, sorrow, weariness and the storms of life may be overshadowing you! But, hold on my child. I have good news for you! Joy, Hope, Peace, Comfort, Life Everlasting showed up this morning. Jesus’ tomb wasn’t for the dead. That tomb became a Delivery Room for the Son of God. And, you’re not dead. Because He lives – so do you!
Perhaps, today, you are still living in the ashes of defeat, remorse, brokenness, depression, unforgiveness and a tomb is holding you back. You are still alive. Go ahead and put your hand over your heart. If it’s beating, God has a destiny and mission for you to fulfill. You’re here now, so the resurrection power of Jesus Christ lives big in you. Let Him turn your tomb into a Delivery Room to your new life today! Allow the Resurrected King to resurrect you! In His name, come alive to declare your victory! Romans 8:11 “The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, He will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you!”
Thank You, Jesus, for Your death and Your rising, Your birth and Your return, Your assurance that ultimately all is well and all will be well. We remember. We celebrate. We wait for the someday when every tear will be wiped away. This is the Easter promise. We are the resurrection people. We have hope. We choose joy. We overcome, always. Amen. He has risen, just as He said! (Matthew 28:6)