Habits That Make or Break Us
My youngest grandson, Bryson, and I, have an acquired habit that has become almost involuntary! He thought it necessary for us to have a “dap” handshake. Oh, you want to know what a “dap” handshake is? Dap is a friendly gesture between two people. Giving dap typically involves handshaking, fist bumping, thumbs interlocking and finger snapping. That MIGHT be OUR dap and every time we see each other or leave each other…..we DAP (and I sneak a hug in there when I can)! It’s become a habit I love!
I have a habit of waking up every morning around 4 a.m. I can’t help myself. It’s a habit. I have many more habits. Some I’m proud of and others that I need to overcome! I enjoy playing pickleball with a great group of friends. We get into the game so much that if we make a lousy shot, we’ll hear an occasional cuss word. They laugh at me when I say “Oh, dear!” “Mercy me!” That’s my habit.
I’m sure you have habits too. What habits do you have that might affect how others see you? Biting your fingernails (Oh, how well I remember that awful one when I was a kid)? Running your fingers through your hair? Interrupting conversations so you can speak? (Yikes! That’s a bad habit I need to break!) Being a constant complainer? Saying “Like” all the time – “I was like so happy; I like ran to the store”. Talking with your mouth filled with food? Nervously tapping your fingers?
HABITS are almost like being on “Auto Pilot”. Once we hit “auto pilot” – we move through life without considering how our habits might affect our lives and how others see us. Those are our involuntary habits.
There are many “good to great” HABITS that were formed in our lives that consistently, and repetitiously, make us BETTER people. For example, remember teaching your children to “Watch both ways before you cross the street”? Think about how we were taught to look both ways before crossing the street. It served us well to this day. And it will for our children, forever, too!
There are many positive habits that bring out the best in us AND our children. Through our examples, we encourage them to say: “Thank you!” and “Yes, Ma’am or Yes, Sir”. Speaking “I love you”; “I appreciate you!”; “Way to go!” Those are involuntary habits – that we “habitually” use ourselves and we drive them home to our children that they are so proud of our apprentices. They have good manners. They are kind to others. They are generous and they express gratitude consistently.
And for those of us who are radical believers in the favors and special blessings that come directly from God……we naturally and habitually say, “Praise the Lord.” “Thanks be to God.” “God is so good!” We might be in the middle of some “life” storms and are facing major challenges and circumstances that seem out of control, but we habitually declare: “Praise the Lord! You’re working all this out for my good. This is no surprise to You! I thank you, God, IN all these things!”
Great, involuntary habits that serve us well in good times and tough times. Forming good habits takes time, patience, and self-discipline. But a life filled with positive habits has the power to create real, positive change in ourselves and in those who want to be their best selves, too!