Happy New Year and My Predictions
Whew! And praise the Lord! We came, we saw, we conquered! Those are Julius Caesar’s words when reporting to the Roman Senate on his extremely successful military campaign against Pharnaces II, king of Pontus in 47 BC. He summed up the campaign by stating veni, vidi, vici – which translates – I came, I saw, I conquered. And isn’t that how we feel? Though we may have had to say good-bye to loved ones and friends and jobs and special occasions, we still conquered! We are here on this January 1st, 2021 – so, obviously – we are not done. God has plans and purposes for us to carry on and fulfill.
We’ve made it to 2021! And, while I reminisce with gratitude about making it through it, I wonder what could I have done better? What did I do that made a difference in this world last year? Who could I have influenced in a more positive way? I’m already thinking with an eternal perspective in mind when it comes to 2021. I’m thinking about how I can influence others. I wonder if, when I see others this year, it might turn out to be the last encounter I might have with them. What is the lasting impression I would want to leave? How would I want him or her to remember me?
Several scenarios come to mind. If I walked out the door of my children’s homes and didn’t return, what would I want my family to remember as my last words? If I ran into someone at work or school or church and then never saw that person again, what kind of memory would I want them to retain? In each last encounter, what would I want to be sure to say to my family and friends or even someone I might meet on the street?
I love President Abraham Lincoln’s quote: “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” If, everyday, in 2021, we start each day with being the best version of ourselves — the best mother/father, wife/husband, daughter/son, friend, co-worker and casual acquaintance — then our future will be one of hearing God say: “Job well done — good and faithful servant!” And others say: “They made a difference in my life!”
None of us knows how much time is allotted to us. And, the more I get closer to eternity, these questions roll around in my spirit. They are a constant reminder that we have to make the most of each moment to fulfill the two commandments Jesus said were most important: “loving God and loving people”. Nothing else matters. In fact, Paul says it makes no difference what we give; if we don’t have love, “it profits us nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:3).
If our motives aren’t loving, may we pray for a change of heart. If they are loving, may we take time to tell others so. Being sure our “last words” with someone are words of healing and true love. That is bound to mean more to him or her than what’s inside any gift we might give them. And it’s the only thing either one of us can take with us into eternity.
Thanks, Abe! I’m predicting my future to be one of great love, peace, and joy because I’m PREDICTING that I will live each day with no regrets. For sure, I’ll make mistakes along the way, but I’ll still admit it and ask God for forgiveness and do a start-over each day! I predict if we love sincerely and we all apply the Golden Rule everyday — our future will be so bright — we’ll need shades!