Happy Presidents’ Day
I researched and found this day began as a way of celebrating President George Washington’s Birthday. Now this federal holiday honors all U.S. presidents on this day.
Do we acknowledge, with gratitude, what our presidents sacrificed and did for us? Why would anyone, including our current president, desire this position? What is it about the psyche of would-be presidents that makes them think it would be gratifying to take on the troubles of the world and assume responsibility for the lives of millions of Americans at such precarious times?
Why would anyone step up in this moment of maximum crisis and hostilities — spying balloons, wars and rumors of wars, health care, the national debt, immigration issues, religious freedom, etc.?
We may think that it is ego, fame, and fortune they want most. Just look at the book deals and speaking fees that follow a president that has left office. I choose to believe that our presidents sincerely believe that they can fix what no one else can fix.
Wonder if they followed Zig Ziglar’s famous quote: “You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” I would hope that were case.
But, really, what about the criticism, the idea of living in a glass house where everything they say and do, what they wear, what their spouse and children wear and do, is so highly scrutinized, having secret service with them 24/7, not being able to live a normal life. And when they make a decision that they sincerely feel is the right one, backfires on them and their reputation takes another downward spiral of popularity.
Even in the best of times, the presidency can be an enormous burden. Every American soldier killed abroad, every house foreclosed on at home, and every monster storm that comes through the U.S. ultimately becomes his responsibility.
Whew! WHY? Somewhere in all that decision-making, every single one of our presidents, whatever party they represented, whatever good or bad decisions they made – they stepped up to make a difference. I can’t fault one of them for that.
I can only express my appreciation for ALL of those who were willing to put their personal lives on hold for those years they held office and for the good they did. We are still here, thanking God that we live in America…..where, in the words of Lee Greenwood, “at least I know I’m free!”
Abraham Lincoln gets a lot of attention on this day because his birthday was also in mid-February. Hearing the faith of President Lincoln still inspires me. He said: “Let us renew our trust in God and go forward without fear.” That is key — NOT trusting man but trusting in Almighty God.
Please join me in this prayer:
“Forgive us, God, for the ways we have placed our hope in anyone but You. Forgive us for the times when we have been a source of anxiety as we vented our fears and frustrations. Forgive us for when we should have been expressing faith, but in expressing our doubt and dismay, we may have caused others to wonder whether You are a God in whom we can trust. And You most assuredly are.
Make our faith stronger. Make our focus greater. We look to no man, but we do pray for our President. We pray for those who have the ear of our President, and that those who know You personally will not fear to speak what is true and what represents Your Word and Your heart. Let us remain prayerful, grateful, and hopeful because of the promises You have given us. We consecrate ourselves, our families, our country, and our future, again, to You. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen!”
1 Timothy 2:1-2 “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”