Have Thine Own Way
That was the title of a classic hymn that speaks to the importance of an attitude of surrendering our ways to God’s BEST ways!
“Have thine own way, Lord. Have thine own way.
You are the Potter. I am the clay.
Mold me and make me. After Your will.
While I am waiting – yielded and still.”
That hymn was written by Adelaide Pollard when she was a discouraged missionary. It became a prayer of surrender and yielding to God’s way. Her words depict the clay being molded into whatever the Master Potter chooses.
Our brilliant Master Potter and His hands meticulously design the intricate details with expertise. It is in our best interest to yield to His expert workmanship.
Oh, but sometimes the chiseling and carving hurts. Sometimes the spinning Potter’s wheel makes us dizzy. Sometimes we are okay with simply being a lump of clay. But, oh the plans God has for us – plans to not harm us but to give us a beautiful future with hope and great expectation! (Jeremiah 29:11 – in Donna’s paraphrasing!)
I think the greatest worldwide chiseling and carving this generation has known was during the pandemic of 2020 to 2022. Our attitude of surrender was trumped by surrendering our lives entirely to God’s potter’s wheel. Honestly, it felt like God had left the building and we were left spinning on His wheel.
That season will always be part of our lives as we share with our grandchildren about the times when we had to surrender our hopes, our dreams, our time, gathering in churches, schools, meeting places, gyms, weddings, parties, etc.
Many of us submitted to the “surrender” while many of us held on tight like the reins of a runaway horse. We weren’t about to let go of control until there were no more options.
But then we go back to that old hymn that was a prayer of surrender. I know I still need to make it my theme song and sing it with undaunted trust in my Potter every day!
Yes, being on the Potter’s wheel can be challenging and uncomfortable, but when we submit to the Potter’s touch (yielding our wills), we experience the joy of God’s perfect will.
To say “Yes, Lord” when He asks us to relax and “be” instead of always “doing” or when He asks us to surrender our time to give time to encourage someone or to gather our kiddos in our arms and realize how precious are the gifts He has given us, is surrendering our wills to Him.
And, in that loving our own, we understand our Heavenly Father’s love for us – wanting the best for us – to make us vessels of honor that display His likeness in love, character and honor.
We have the opportunity and privilege to partner with God during His sculpting process. Maybe in our surrender to Him, we can help decide the end result which is becoming a vessel of honor, humility, faithfulness, compassion and one who bears a prayerful, peaceful spirit in the midst of chaos.
Have Thine Own Way, Lord! I surrender all!
Isaiah 64:8 “But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.”