He Leads Us — No Fear Here
For some time, my daughter has been encouraging me to write a book that includes my blogs. I haven’t had the drive to write it yet because each day I realize that I am not the author of my faith story. I’m still here, pressing onward and upward, so I’ll just keep journaling via my blogs until I get a “Just do it!” from God.
Among my favorite scriptures, my “go to” for comfort and direction is Psalm 23. If you follow my blogs, you’ve recognized it. My story has had many twists and turns. I have walked through the valley of the shadow of death with loved ones many times. I’ve learned to not fear but hold onto God’s unchanging hand. I have been incredibly blessed and humbled as God has proven Himself faithful beyond my ability to comprehend.
Maybe you’re in a dark middle of an unchosen journey. One that leaves you tempted to pull away from the Lord wondering, “How could a good God lead me to such a difficult place?” Oh, friend. I understand – from my own experiences and those of our fathers of faith.
David, the shepherd destined to be king, penned the words of Psalm 23 “The Lord is my Shepherd”. But, before, in Psalm 22:1, David revealed he was well-acquainted with despair and discouragement. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning?”
But, hold on! David didn’t quit. He didn’t throw in the towel, because Psalm 23 reveals David still knew where his hope was found. This shepherd boy needed a greater Shepherd. We do too.
So how do we keep choosing to follow our Shepherd when He leads us into valleys we’d rather avoid? We can begin by remembering these two truths about the Lord:
1) He will never lead us where we shouldn’t go.
Psalm 23:1,2: “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He LEADS ME beside still waters. He restores my soul.”
Our Shepherd wants to get us to the still waters. He wants us to lie down and rest where it’s safe. But we must trust that His timing is perfect, and His provision is good.
2) He will always lead us intentionally.
Psalm 23:3 says, “He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” The Lord’s reputation is at stake in His leading. That means we can trust He will always lead us in perfect ways — for our goodness and for the sake of His name.
What paths did we create for our lives as we regularly walked with God? I suggest that we have forged some deep, positive places that others are following. We should remind ourselves of those paths, of those precious and regular rhythms of our relationship with God. Those paths of righteousness are good because they always circle back to God. As we walk those paths daily, we will be led back to Him, again and again.
Maybe you’re in a low valley right now. I know what that looks and feels like. I also know God always provides a way out. May we stay close to Him and close to the people who love Him like we do. He will make a miraculous way. One we couldn’t have imagined, but one that is perfectly timed and planned.
While writing this blog, I was singing this beautiful song, “Gentle Shepherd” written by Bill & Gloria Gaither. It’s the “icing on this ‘blog’ cake” and my prayer for us today!
Gentle Shepherd, come and lead us,
For we need you to help us find our way.
Gentle Shepherd come and feed us,
For we need your strength from day to day.
There’s no other we can turn to,
Who can help us face another day.
Gentle Shepherd come and lead us,
For we need to you to help us find our way.”