Hello February! Hello Change!
I just took down January’s door decor and up goes February’s! I’m pulling my “female” card. Yes, I am a woman and I am subject to CHANGE daily. I can CHANGE my mind about this or that. I can CHANGE clothes – just because I want to. I can CHANGE occupations (and I did). I’m also a “single” so I can CHANGE TV channels whenever I so choose.

Widow bonus! I can CHANGE directions if I want to. That guy in my GPS system really doesn’t know it all!. The fact is life is about CHANGE. CHANGE – to alter, replace with another, make a shift from one to another, modify, transform, switch.
I’ve been attending a Tuesday in-home fellowship group for several weeks now. It has been such a blessing! But change just happened. Now it’s grandson Brennan’s baseball season that takes top billing on Tuesdays and Fridays until May. So, take me out to the ball game!
Every day we experience CHANGE. You may be in that mid-life crisis aka “the change of life” stage if you’re eyeing that slick convertible sports car. You may be considering moving to another city and state. Or, changing jobs!
CHANGE is a reminder of what it is for a season to end and a new one begin. How often have I witnessed the passing of a friend or loved one and within hours or days, in the same family, was the birth of a precious baby. That is the CHANGE and the cycle of life.
Here’s the really good news. God assures us He’s watching over all our seasons of CHANGE – all our entrances and exits. High School to college; single life to married life; leaving one job to begin another; in going from being a oouple to a family.
We can throw a tantrum, a pity party, a protest, a sit-in, a march, put our heads in the sand, wail, and resist the CHANGES. But, God, in His sovereignty, our Change-Maker, has oh so much good in mind for these seasons of change.
There is one guarantee in life…..CHANGE! And, change makes us often feel out of control. But we have this blessed assurance. God NEVER changes. “I am the Lord, and I do not CHANGE.” Malachi 3:6
He walks with us in every season of life — no matter how easy or difficult. We can choose to accept CHANGE because God has a plan for our lives – to give us hope and a great future, and to prosper us.
If we trust in God and allow the CHANGE to make us more like Him in how we respond and act, then we are promised that “Everything will work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” (Romans 8:28)
God orders our days. He knows the seasons we are exiting from and He also knows those we are about to enter. It’s a new day – yesterday is gone. Why don’t we awaken to the assurance that He KNOWS ALL. If we’ll board His ways, we’ll travel higher, further and safer than we could ever imagine.
I think I hear His voice: “I’ve got this so let go and let Me carry you through each CHANGE. Relax. Enjoy the ride. Trust Me!” Rather than resisting CHANGE – let’s own it. This just might be our winning season that is just waiting for us to suit up for a major victory win!