Here Today and Gone Tomorrow
A fad is defined as an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived; a craze. See that cute little boy. That’s my son in this photo and guess what era that was when Nehru suits and Beatle’s haircuts were the craze. If you guessed the 60s, you’re right. We fell prey to a fad!

See that hairstyle in the 2nd photo – if you guessed Farrah Fawcett’s feathered long hairstyle of the 70s, you guessed right. I was inspired to write this blog from my friend, Joanne M. Bush’s FB post. She said: “The word “fad” comes from an acronym which means ‘FOR A DAY’. We can be good at fashioning our thinking from the fads given to us by others, who never meant it as a fad.” I didn’t realize it was an acronym, but it sure seems true – especially as it relates to the phrase “Here today and gone tomorrow!”

I remember some “slang” fads we used that had their season: “Don’t have a cow!” (meaning “Don’t get upset!) and “Put the pedal to the metal” (meaning: get moving). Anyone remember the buzz words: groovy, be cool, crater face, far out, bummer? Those buzz words and sayings were here today and gone tomorrow. Now, there’s a whole new string of fad words: hashtag, photo bomb, selfies, and even this year, new buzz phrases: social distancing, shelter in place, and one we do hope is here today and gone tomorrow: COVID-19. Another fad we hope here today and gone tomorrow is racial prejudice, discrimination, injustice, rioting, insensitivity, hatred.
All that to emphasize something, rather SOMEONE Who certainly banishes the “here today and gone tomorrow” mindset. As a matter of fact – this phrase of great assurance to all of us is “Jesus Christ — the same yesterday, today and forever”. (Hebrews 18:8). That, my friends, is an unequivocal, eternal truth, hope and belief. And, that my friend, is where we find our hope, when all seems hopeless; where we find peace, when chaos surrounds us; where we find joy, when the world is in fear; where we find love, when hate abounds.
Like in my admitting to following fads and crazes in my examples above, my eyes opened to He Who our greatest example should be – emulating our Lord and Savior and the words He said and the life He lived. Joanna goes on to say in her post: “Scripture is clear. Jesus only did what He saw His Father do and only said what His Father said. Father was the source from which Jesus lived. He came to take us to the Father.”
I agree with her. I desire not to be a fad-seeker or people-pleaser, but a Father-seeker who emulates His unchanging ways — the ways of loving each other, having faith and hope for a future of love, joy and peace for all mankind. Sound like a day-dream? Not, when ALL things are possible with God. It is God we turn to for refuge and for change — change in us!