He’s Alive and So am I
He woke me up this morning and started me on my way…..you ask me how I know He lives. He lives within my heart! Happy Resurrection Celebration Day! Whoever said “You Only Live Once” (YOLO) didn’t consider our Lord’s living, dying, and living again forever! Jesus made a comeback like no other. And the over-the-top good news for us is whatever dismal situation we may be encountering today, it pales in comparison to what Jesus faced and, yet, he proved all His haters to be DEAD wrong! And, because He lives, we can press on and face whatever is before us AND get ready for our comeback, too!
On this “Good News” day, we can join with millions around the world who are praising God with hearts of gratitude and worship because the grave couldn’t hold Jesus down. This celebration day of the resurrection of our Lord means that we aren’t alive for the short-term – we are in it to win it for ETERNITY with Him. The diabolical plot against our Lord was spoiled by His resurrection and now we can look forward to this Easter joy FOREVER!
In weather terms this Easter morning, for you it may appear to be only gray skies with clouds, thunder and rain. A sandstorm might even be kicking up around you. That might mean, in everyday terms: chaos, troubles on every hand, sorrow, weariness and the storms of life overshadowing you! But hold on. I have good news for you! Joy, hope, peace, comfort, and everlasting life showed up this morning. Jesus’ tomb wasn’t for the dead. That tomb became a Delivery Room for the Son of God AND, it changed everything. You’re not dead either. Because He lives – so do you!
No other religion represented by someone who lived and died, can declare what we can declare. Our Savior lived, died and is alive forevermore. This good news isn’t merely that our Savior lives, but because He lives, we can face today and tomorrow and live a full, vibrant, abundant life on this side of heaven……AND BEYOND!!! Jesus defeated death once and for all so we don’t have to fear it.
So, my beloved readers, hear me out! The resurrection power of Jesus Christ lives big in you. Allow the Resurrected King to resurrect you! In His name, come alive to declare your victory! “The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, He will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you!” (Romans 8:11)
Thank You, Jesus, for Your death and Your rising, Your birth and Your return, Your assurance that ultimately all is well and all will be well. We remember. We celebrate. We wait for the someday when every tear will be wiped away. This is the Easter promise. We are the resurrection people. We have hope. We choose joy. We overcome, always. Amen. He has risen, just as He said! (Matthew 28:6)